chapter 10

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Keith laid back down with Lance. In the huge bed,  making Lance very happy.

He couldn't get enough of Keith.

"You're so good looking.. " Lance complimented.

"I think your pain killers are making you a bit confused Lance.. " Keith said smiling.

"I know a piece of ass when I see one Keith.. " Lance said gripping Keith's butt.

Keith blushed instantly. Lance quickly let go.

"God,  i-I'm so sorry.. " Lance apologized. 

Keith redirected Lance's hand and smirked.

"I don't mind.. " Keith said tracing Lance's somewhat chiseled body.

"I know we've kissed and everything..  But what are we? " Keith asked.

"Can I be your boyfriend? " Keith asked.

"Youd be in so much danger Keith.. " Lance said with hurt eyes.

"No one has to know... " Keith said smiling

"I want you so bad but,  I don't want you to be in danger... " Lance said nervously.

Keith rolled his eyes and sat up. Lance began to panic.

"You need to think about yourself Lance..  Are you happy?  Because you need to be number 1 in your own mind. " Keith reminded.

"What good is number 1 without 2? " Lance asked sitting up beside him.

Keith crawled on top of Lance.

"I want to be yours.  I want you to be mine..  I just..  I can't shake the feeling we were meant to be.. " Keith admitted.

Lance kissed Keith.  He swapped placed with Keith, kissing up his chest and onto his neck, which was exposed by the very baggy, black tank top Keith was wearing.

Lance suckled Keith's neck and left small love bites.

"Lance~" Keith meweled unintentionally.

"Do that again.. " Lance said smirking.

"No,  that was an accident..  I don't know if I could-" Keith said panicking.

Lance felt something poke his leg.

"I can feel you Keith... " Lance said smirking.

Lance palmed Keith earning another small groan.  He smirked as Keith squirmed under his touch.

"Do you want me to keep going?  I know what happened to you before.. " Lance asked,  pausing.

Keith nodded his head helplessly.

"That's all I needed to hear.. "
Lance said smirking seductively.

Lance yanked Keith pants and boxers off in one motion.

Keith blushed as Lance looked directly at him.

"Not bad kogane.. " Lance said smirking.

Lance blew cool air onto Keith making him shiver.

"Take off your shirt.. " Lance said quickly stripping.

Keith struggled his shirt off and was met by a naked Lance.

"I've wanted to do this for so long... " Lance said kissing up Keith's stomach.

"But I'm not even that attractive.. " Keith said rosy in the face.

"Of course you are.. " Lance said smiling.

Lance kissed the crook of Keith's neck.

"Lance,  I need you so bad~" Keith moaned.

"Where exactly? " Lance asked.

"You know what I mean " Keith groaned.

Lance kept playing dumb with Keith making him frustrated.  Keith reached,  making Lance hold Keith's hands above his head.

"No no Keith,  we're gonna play a game ok? " Lance asked.

"I need relief it's so hard it hurts.. " Keith whined.

Lance took a small hankercheif and tied Keith's hands together.

"Lance please,  I need you to touch me! ~" Keith moaned.

Lance smirked.

"Beg harder.. " Lance ordered.

"Lance~ please fuck me,  I can't take much more.. " Keith begged.

"I'll take it,  but next time I hope you have a better defense.. " Lance teased.

Lance pumped Keith's throbbing member.  Keith curled his toes and thruster upward.

"Oh god~ right there.. " Keith begged.

"I've only touched you,  you must need a lot of attention down here,  huh? " Lance asked.

"A-ahh~" Keith said coming into Lance's hand.

"That was fast...  " Lance teased.

Lance kissed Keith softly on the lips.  His face was flushed in a beautiful shade of pink.

Lance kissed down Keith's stomach. 

The door was opened and almost immediately shut followed by footsteps scurrying away from the door.

Lance rolled his eyes followed by a huge sigh.  He got up and locked the door back.

"Sorry Keith,  I thought I locked it.. " Lance said holding his head.

He crawled back onto the bed.

"Are you sure this is ok? " Lance asked.

"We're already this far.. " Keith smirked.

Lance smiled.

"Lemme grab something real quick.. " Lance said reaching for the side table.

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