Chapter 4

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Destiny's POV:

I was walking to the Starbucks of the hospital, then all of a sudden my favorite song comes on. (Na Na Na by my chemical romance) Of coarse I have a jam session with myself not caring if anyone was watching.

I mean most of us were going to die in here anyways. Why not enjoy the couple of days before our time is up?

When the song finally finished, I noticed a girl was staring at me and laughing.


She was one of those girls.

"May I help you?"

" Oh no, sorry! I was just admiring how you can dance like no one is watching" I wasn't sure if this was sarcasm or seriousness.

"Oh, thanks" I didn't know what else to say.

"So, what's your name?" I wanted to go and get my Starbucks already but for some reason she was trying to make small talk.

"Um, I'm Destiny"

"Hey, I'm Alexis" wow, pretty name for a pretty girl, seemed legitimate.

"So Alexis I was gonna get a Starbucks. Wanna come?" She seemed like a nice girl and I needed friends. Let me rephrase that, I needed a friend.

"Yeah, sure!"


sorry this chapter was boring but yeah 😁

DestinyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz