It's the love that keeps us together (pewdiecry fanfic)

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Cry’s P.O.V

I close Pewds door lightly and leave him to sleep. After about a hour of Pewds sleeping I decided to make dinner, I made pasta with bread. After another hour of cooking I decided to wake Pewds up. I sneak quietly to his room and open the door. He looked so peaceful, and amazing. Wait no Cry get those thoughts out of you head, or can’t love your best friend. I walk up to the bed and lay down next to him. I look at him and know I will never be with him, I silently cry. I’ve loved Pewds for so long and it pains me to know that. I get up from from the bed still crying and run into the bathroom. I open the cabinet and take out a razor and hold it to my wrist, I slide the razor across my wrist, it hurts but it makes me feel good. I smile under my mask but i’m still crying. I make 3 more cuts, 2 on each wrist. “Cry? Hey where are you?” He hear Pewds yell from out side the door, Oh crap I cant let him see. I roll my wrist in bandage and roll back down my hoodie sleeves. “Uh, yeah i’m in here” I yell from the bathroom, at this point i’m glad he can’t see me under my mask. I open the door slowly and step into the kitchen to see Pewds already sitting down at the table with a late for him and a plate for me. “Here sit down Cry I got you a plate” He says gesturing to the chair with my plate. “Oh, thank you friend” I said hating to have to call him friend. I sit down and we both start to eat. “Oh wow Cry, this is amazing!” He says with a mouth full of food. Sooner or later we both finished eating. “Hey do you want to play some video games?” Pewds asked taking both of our plates to the sink. “Sure, I have to perfect game!” I say running into my room grabbing the game Bloody traplands. I run back into the room and put the game into the xbox. I sit down on the couch and pat next to me for Pewds to sit down. “What game are we playing?” He asked picking up a controller. “Bloody Traplands” I said with a grin, well he couldn’t see it but he knew I would be grinning. After awhile of me kicking Pewds butt we decided to stop playing. “Wow it’s really hot in here” I say taking off my sweat shirt no other than to find Pewds staring at me. “R-Ryan what’s that?” He says pointing at my arms. Oh crap I forgot, my cuts. “OH n-nothing” I said hiding my arms behind my back. “Ryan tell me the truth!” He yell’s grabbing my arms and pulling me close. All I could do was cry. I was sitting in Pewds lap holding on to his t shirt and crying into his neck. He rubbed my back softly. “I’m s-sorry P-Pewds” I said crying hard into his shoulder. “Shhh Ryan it’s ok, lets go get you cleaned up though” He said looking into the place my eyes would be. Before I could protest he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bath room. He takes off my t shirt and un-wraps the bandage showing my recent and past cuts. “Oh Ryan” He said looking up at me, he grabs a wash cloth wets it and dabs it against my arms. I wince in at the pain. “Pewds I’m sorry i’ve never told you” I said tears still running down my face. “Shhh Ryan it’s okay don’t worry about it” he said putting the washcloth down and pulling me in to a tight hug. “You probably need to take a shower Cry” He said getting up and starting the shower. “Yeah” I said getting off the edge of the bathtub. “And Cry if you ever need anything, you tell me” He said before leaning over and  and kissing my cheek and leaving the bathroom quickly. Wait did he just kiss my cheek... does that mean he likes me? I quickly let those thoughts drift away, Pewds is straight he probably did that because he was tring to make me feel better or he was just tried. Little does Pewds know that I love him. 

A/N sorry another short chapter hope you enjoy the book so far! it's hard to update bcause of school so...

It's the love that keeps us together (pewdiecry fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now