The School,The Boy

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Me and kyle are going to school today, well its going to be hell for me, kyle has been at this school before, lucky well let's go.

"Hehehe so i had to wash it so ya hehe, Alice please do kill me" Kyle said or something a deep breath in then out "okay buT GET ME MY UNIFORM NOW" once again i said

"Okay let me get my uniform on then we'll go" i said kyle nodded yes
I went to get my uniform ha it's in the dryer. I pick up my uniform. I walked to my room closed the door and got changed. After i got changed i got my phone
"Kyle im ready" I said "Okay" he said back to me i walked to the door were kyle was waiting i opened the door me and kyle walked out of the house.

Walking to school me and Kyle talked intill we got to school

"O...Kay" I said. Students running pushing others but one person was just walking. A-a boy. Black hair, Sky blue eyes
"ha sorry about everyone, some kids are crazy" the boy said "my name is cody" "T-that's a n-nice name, m-my names i-is A-alice" i said
"Wow that a nice name" cody said I blushed "T-thanks"I respond
"Anyways i got to go see you later Alice" cody said

This story reminds me of yandere simulator

"Okay well i quess i need to find a teacher"I said
Walking around i found a teacher
"ummm hello im new here" I said

"Oh well i can help you, lets go to the headmaster's office" The teacher replied.
We walked to the headmaster's office
Wow that's a really big office

"Lets get you a class"
Kyle walked by i dont know why but he did
"Oh Kyle long no see" The teacher said "Haha, you to" he replied
"look your in my class" the teacher said
"Lovely" I said

"Im going to show you where the class is," the teacher said

"Lovely " I said

I walked to my new class with the teacher she seemed different I don't know how to explain it but how she dressed,her voice it was like she wants everyone to notice her.

" well this is your new class I hope you in joy this year" the teacher said
" I will

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