(っ-●益●)っ ,︵‿ Rapid Rant (っ-●益●)っ ,︵‿

165 28 7

Rant #1: The Horror Behind Shipping

Before you guys go deeper into this issue, I would like to apologize if I offended you in any possible way, and that this is my opinion, and what I think is absolutely insane, and makes completely and utterly no sense what so ever. So, let’s keep the pitchforks and torches to ourselves.


This simple shipping makes me puke. Hell, the simple word "ItaSasu" makes me puke! (>﹏<) And for those of you who don't know what this shipping is, it's when authors/Narutards put Itachi and Sasuke together and make them have babies together. I just don't understand who in the right goddamn mind would do this! I get that the relationship between Itachi and Sasuke is so... so; I can't even find the right words to express it. But, Itachi loves Sasuke as a brother, nothing more, nothing less! Get that through your thick, non-existent brains please!

Now, some of you might try to defend ItaSasu by saying that who the hell kills their entire clan for their little brother if it wasn't the undying non-sibling love Itachi held for Sasuke. Now, lemme tell you why.

Itachi wasn't the type of person to socialize at all. His best friend, and only friend we meet was Uchiha Shisui, and they were cousins. So this immediately informs us that Itachi was an introvert. He didn't have a good relationship with his father, seeing as though all his father ever really cared about was showing off his sons, and the power of the Sharigan. Some twisted father he was. Plus, Itachi hated how his father always put down Sasuke even when Sasuke did everything he could to make his father proud of him! And then theirs his mother... In a way I can't say if Itachi was close to Mikoto or not. We've never actually seen Itachi and Mikoto interact. So, I can only assume that their relationship was only that of acquaintances or maybe even friends. Itachi was always out of the house, either at clan meetings, training with Shisui or Sasuke or on missions so really we/I can assume they don't spend much time together. Because honestly, Itachi had no social life, he was just so closed off like that. So, clearly we can all see that afer Shisui died, Sasuke was officially the closest person to Itachi. 

So it shows that Itachi wasn't close to anyone. But then there’s Sasuke and you guys are all probably shouting at me that he was close to Sasuke which means that he loves Sasuke in the non-sibling way. ( ⌣́,⌣̀) Well, I'm here to flipping prove you wrong! ᕙ('▽´)ᕗ

In the episode where the Konoha was attacked by the 9-Tailed Fox, Itachi stayed home babysitting Sasuke while his parents went to god-knows-where, or did god-knows-what. When Sasuke started crying, Itachi told Sasuke that'd he'd forever and always protect Sasuke! It's a complete natural thing to over-protective over your younger-siblings. 

When Sasuke grew up to be older and started his shinobi career, Itachi was there to help him train. It wasn't love or anything, it just a natural thing a sibling does for one another! People are reading way too much into Itachi's actions for Sasuke even when it's just so simple. Picture this: your younger sibling is failing a class, and you help them study. Does that mean that you love them in the non-sibling way? Hell no! It means that you care about them because they’re your brother or sister, not your goddamn lover.

You have no clue how many people I have fought over this stupid and idiotic subject. (ง'̀-'́)ง ItaSasu should not exist at all! When he killed off his clan and left Sasuke alive, it wasn't because he loved Sasuke in the non-sibling way. It was because he just cared that much for Sasuke. Plus, Danzo said it himself, Itachi and Sasuke could go done in flames with the clan, or Itachi could murder the clan, become an S-Ranked Criminal, and save his brother. Now see this from Itachi's perspective.

His parents were a lost cause; no elder was going to let the heads of Uchiha clan survive. However Sasuke only being around 8 years old at the time would be so easy to manipulate and keep under control. Danzo used Itachi's sibling relationship with Sasuke against him! And plus, Itachi promised Sasuke the day 9-Tails was sealed into Naruto that he would forever and always protect him because that's what older siblings do! So get it out of your sick minds that Itachi and Sasuke love each other in the non-sibling way! It's just plain disgusting, and whoever created the shipping ItaSasu should rethink everything!

ItaSasu just disgusts me, and makes me so mad because I love Itachi and Sasuke! And it's just so sad that everyone is ruining the two by shipping them! (╥﹏╥) They're brotherly bond shouldn't be a result of everyone thinking they lust for each other like please people. Picture someone saying you lust over your sibling, it'd be disgusting. I'm getting the chills by thinking about the whole shipping. Ew. 

Now five words from me:

Please don't write ItaSasu fan fictions. 

Just the logic behind them is so twisted and wrong. I honestly wonder what Kishimoto would have to say about these fan fictions. Maybe he should just ban the shipping ItaSasu... that would be nice. ᕙ( ^ₒ^ c)  I'm kidding! I'm kidding. No pitchforks and torches. I rather enjoy being alive and not six feet under. \(^.^ )/

If you agree with everything I have said. Please vote above. ↑

If you disagree, and want to tell me something, or argue with me (a friendly argue, no pitchforks and torches please) then comment below. ↓

Well this all minna. Ja Ne.

                                                                               → ForeverFℓuffyxo

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