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The year is 2086 in a small city just outside the grid. Without government conformation, a business of unethical practices was built from the ground up. While taking in new residents every other day to replace others that have been lost, the location of this secret corporation is not yet unveiled. We zoom into a small cubicle that glares into another room sealed with only an elevated tinted glass window. A woman resides in this room unaware of what goes on anywhere else in this intricate facility. Every day she undergoes a series of complicated events that the world would see as unfit even for an insane human being to administer. A man in about his 25th year observes all these deeds being completed to this individual and keeps a journal of his latest findings and emotions faced while watching through a darkened window. This is his journal.


March 23rd, 2086

She awoke in a small, confided place. Nothing but darkness and silence surrounded her on all sides. She was horrified, thinking she would never see the light of day again. I feel horrible just being made to sit here and watch behind tinted glass. Her suffering should be mine, but what's a man to do when the woman you love is trapped against her own will? I wish it never would've come to this, but things happen as always. The days she spends here with me watching everything happening behind “closed” doors is just painful for me to watch. She never ceases to amaze me, however, about how she faces things. That's one of things that I cherish the most about her. Funny thing is she doesn't even know me.

All I want to prove to her is what a great man I am for watching her all this time. She probably feels so secure when I'm around, and I know it too. She has smiled so many times, but only when she's had time to heal from everything she's endured. I feel like a true hero here. Just making sure she's ok makes me feel nothing but pure happiness and joy. Invincibility, priority, and love. All of these are characteristics of my newfound angel. She's also beautiful. No, I don't mean just the natural beauty in her face. I'm talking about the gorgeous glow and lightness of her soul. I feel jealous just merely looking at her when I'm on duty. The hours are long, but I don't mind a bit. As long as I'm around her I feel nothing but serendipity.

When it comes time to sleep, she cries so hardly it wakes me up. Any stirring or movement sounds the alarm, so I have to let her cry. She needs it with what she faces every single waking moment. This hour, midnight, is the only freedom she gets from being tortured. I just wish they'd understand exactly what she is. She's plain to see at first sight, but once you look through a microscope at her cells your entire perspective changes quickly. You see something that's much more than a normal woman, let alone a human being. She's not mutated, but everyone else thinks she is. I can honestly say that I hate the way they ridicule her and her gift. It's the one thing that makes her whole. Without it, she would be nothing but a mere life form. Nobody would be interested in her except for me, and that's only because I love her.

She'd make a great successful housewife. Her hours would be long, but considering what she's had happen up to now, there is nothing that could ever stop her in her tracks.  She would daintily move it out of the way with her skills. She's so stealthy, but it's a wonder that she falls more than she throws punches. Maybe it would be better for her to stay on the ground after all. If she did stay up, she would be knocked out cold with whatever was put forth. It's astounding that she is the way she is. Not being able to vanquish another, that's just teasing. Not having the chance to run away, now that's even worse. I really hope they let my love out soon. Then, we can finally be together like we always wanted. She'll run to my arms and only her lips will greet me warmly. And as they do she will allow me to caress her figure so sweetly. I will always be gentle with her, no matter the activity. She rightfully deserves it, and I will be the one to address her to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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