Chapter Two

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This story/chapter was written/created in December 2016.

Given that she was a mutant, a teenager, at that, with the ability to manipulate any earthly substance (at least, presumably so, as she had stubbornly yet to fully unlock her true potential), sixteen-year-old Cornelia Hale had become rather accustomed to the unpredictability of day to day . . . despite doing her absolute best to control to the contrary, given her rather punctilious personality.

In fact, even having fully realized that she really wasn't like 'everyone else,' the moment that her powers had finally manifested four years ago, had done little to dissuade her overall knack for rolling with the punches, and proceeding accordingly.

Of course, it had helped that the young blonde's parents, Harold and Elizabeth, had always raised both she and her baby sister, Lillian, to carry themselves as though they really were different than others, or better, even . . . although in retrospect, perhaps it had less to do with their wealthy station within life, as Cornelia had always believed growing up, but now more so to do with the fact that all four members of the Hale family were proudly endowed with varying mutant abilities.

At least, presumably all four members, as Lillian, last Cornelia had been updated from her parents, still had yet to display any sort of inkling of mutant power, much to the nine-year-old's chagrin . . . and her big sister's secret delight.

After all, if there was one thing Cornelia took great pride within, it was cultivating and nurturing every last talent and skill she'd had at her disposal, be it her ten-year figure skating career, her scholastic endeavors, and now, her terra firma based mutant abilities.

Sure, it hadn't turned out to be the ability to pass through physical matter like her father, or the admittedly obnoxious ability to instantly mimic observed movements like her mother . . . which, if she was perfectly honest with herself, was most probably one of Cornelia's main, driving forces while growing up to always be at the top of her game, no matter the situation or odds.

It certainly hadn't been an easy thing to witness as a child, after all, not yet fully comprehending precisely how the already highly vain and opinionated Elizabeth would immediately excel at any physical feat laid out before her, simply by just watching another person do it . . . while her then young, and only daughter at the time would naturally still be learning, and at times even struggling, with perhaps a few of the very same things. . . .

To her credit, at least, Elizabeth had been kind enough not to openly exercise her Adoptive Muscle Memory abilities around either one of her daughters throughout the later years, particularly once a crying, and truly cross seven-year-old Cornelia had outright decided to quit trying to learn figure skating, altogether, and anything else for that matter.

It was also when both Elizabeth and Harold had at last decided to have 'The Talk' in full with their child, apparently feeling that perhaps Cornelia was finally old enough to better understand what mutants were, and exactly what it meant to be one. . . .

That specific memory would always cause Cornelia to feel great shame, as it was now honestly rather difficult for the mature, levelheaded young woman to imagine attempting to throw in the towel over anything ever again . . . yet it would also flood her heart with the at times infrequent, familial tenderness toward her sometimes unbearably strict mother, as Cornelia would feel grateful that the older woman had been willing to tone down an ability she truly did cherish, in order for both of her daughters to have the opportunity to thrive without any future inadequacies . . . which was something, despite their admitted lack of overall closeness, Cornelia was rather thankful Lillian wouldn't have to worry about, whenever the time came for her own mutant abilities to manifest.

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