False Alarm

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Realising My Worth
I woke up as the bedside alarm clock was going off, i looked at the time 8:26 i was supposed to be at school at 8:21 to give Dennis my homework, she's only my friend when she needs to use me for something. You may ask why i stay...

A. Haven't got any one else
B. If i leave them all my secrets are sure to be out

I ran to brush my teeth and hair and then took my ironed uniform of the hanger on the door of my wardrobe. I got dressed as quick as i could and ran to get some toast. I'm gonna be late and its gonna be the third time this week Miss Render is gonna kill me. I ran out the house nearly missing the 2nd school bus which would mean i would have had to go back home and get my little sisters pink barbie bike and believe me that's not an option right now.

"Thanks Benny" i said to the bus driver his been doing this since i was 5 and I'm 16 now.

"You welcome sweetheart"
He said smiling his wrinkled kind face under his cap lighting up.

Dang it. There she was Molly my worst enemy sitting right at the back of the bus with her perfect blond hair curled and her bright blue icy eyes watching my every move her dads million pound car probably broke down she wouldnt be caught dead on a bus yet alone a school bus explains why she took the late one, she didn't smile nothing just stared. Well I'm gonna get another peanut butter sandwich chucked of my head aren't i. There were about 5 more people on the bus and all of them either have their headphones in or are sleeping on themselves until Benny has to honk the horn to make them wake up. I know why she isn't throwing anything its because she's alone without anyone to encourage her. And no cruel remarks as i got off the bus either hmm interesting maybe my social status has raised.

"Don't think your out of my shot"
And maybe not. There she was out of the bus mean as ever in the flesh in my face showing off her most expensive perfume and her shiny lip gloss. Disgusting.

"Who said i was getting my hopes up on you being so nice to me..." i said sarcastically. Getting my hands out my pockets and walking towards another hell Miss Render. I could hear Molly following behind my back. Why is she acting so weird.

"Didn't I warn you detention is not an option for you anymore" said Miss Render her face getting redder and redder, her eyes popping out of her head.

"Its not just me Miss" I said looking straight at her.

"Hmm so you think I'm only telling you off I find everyone who needs to be told off" she said looking me in the eye I swear I saw a spark in her right eye like an electricity bolt. What did it even mean "I find everyone who needs to be told off" she must have seen me drawing my brain out of real life because she clicked her fingers in my face and went to open the door so I could go to my first lesson I've already missed form where I get signed in on the register.

"Heya Katie" said Dennis as I walked into the classroom. That face deserves hundreds of punches yet I still smile falsely and give her a hug, I know she rolls her eyes behind my back when I'm hugging her. But when you have no one else to turn to talk too who can you trust. I heard giggles yep she rolled her eyes behind my back. How mature. I pull back from her intoxicating perfume that smells of apples and pretend to not realise she's waiting for the homework I had to do for her yesterday.

"Erm I have a life too" I said rolling my eyes and trying to listen to Mr Cern tell us about Macbeth. "Tut" she whispered something to the gang and I heard the chair squeak away from me. Wish Rim was still here she died last year, she couldn't take life anymore all the signs right in front of my eyes but some how plain out of sight. I was with Rim since nursery and after her death her parents moved back to India to see what their lives could still be made without their only daughter. She was pretty, smart, kind and most of all didn't care what you had been through before she would stick by your side no matter what.

I felt my eyes welling up with hot tears of anger. Was it my fault?. My fault my friend died because I couldn't help her... was I selfish. No... I can't keep blaming myself.

Rim I know your up there watching give me a sign.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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