Just Friends

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Originally posted to my Tumblr on December 13th, 2017. Main pairing is Damien/William, side character is a random person. It's so weird reading this again 'cause one of the main characters in my novel is named Derek and he's nowhere NEAR the same as this one. xD

I don't own Damien, William, Celine, or WKM Mark. Enjoy!

TW: Ableism (Damien uses a cane for his hip and one of the characters is ableist about it), slight violence (punching) and blood.


William knew better than anyone that life could be horribly unfair sometimes. And unfortunately, this was one of those times.

His best friend was holding a party for the holidays. For anyone else, it would be a fun occasion with friends and family. A night to let loose and indulge freely in drinking, playing poker, and other forms of entertainment. But Damien didn't have many actual friends. He had acquaintances and connections, supporters and constituents.

And those were the people he invited this 'party'.

He had invited Mark and Celine too, but they were apparently too busy. William imagined Celine was actually doing something important; Mark was probably just wasting his time and money on some frivolous luxury, as usual. And William had plans, of course, but cancelled them once his friend held out the invitation with a smile on his face.

Which is why he was standing here now, trapped in a room of snobby benefactors and stuffy politicians. But that wasn't the worst of it.

The worst part is that one of those stuffy politicians was now hitting on his best friend.

For all of his charm and charisma, it wasn't often that Damien flirted with someone. People tried, of course, but the Mayor would politely turn them down and make it clear that he wasn't interested. Said that it was 'unbecoming' of a mayor and that he didn't have the time for romantic flings or one-night stands.

(And when William asked why Damien assumed it'd be a fling, his friend just smiled sadly and said, "It would have to be.")

But now, slightly buzzed from a few drinks, Damien seemed completely oblivious to the man's advances. Which was ridiculous. The leech was standing about a foot away from his best friend, close enough to lean down and kiss him. Whenever Damien made a witty joke or offered a genuine compliment, he'd clap a hand on the Mayor's shoulder and squeeze affectionately before letting go. William even saw his hand on Damien's back when whispering something in the shorter man's ear.

The Colonel wondered if maybe the affection was mutual. After all, the taller man was quite handsome and totally Damien's type. Dark hair, thick mustache, a bit of a beard, and a muscular frame that was more fit for a lumberjack than a politician.

But after examining them for a while, William decided that wasn't the case. The few times he'd seen Damien interested in someone, his entire demeanor changed. The Mayor's face would light up and his gestures became more animated. Even his voice changed, shifting from its usual civil tone to something more passionate. It was quite a sight to behold; William noticed it whenever they were having an engaging discussion.

Right now, the Mayor held his usual air of friendly politeness. He may have been enjoying the conversation, but it didn't look like he was enraptured or anything. That offered William some reassurance.

He knew it was a bit silly to get upset about it. And yes, the Colonel knew that he'd spent most of the party watching Damien and listening to his conversation, despite having guests try to talk to him. But in his defense, he didn't want to talk with any of those boring stiffs anyways. Damien was way more interesting, even if he was occupied with some parasite who didn't know what personal space was.

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