Chapter 5

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Sirena's pov

Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Pain is temporary. The marks humans leave are too often scars. Turn your wounds into wisdom.

I never thought anything could be worse than what I was going through at home but I was  proven wrong. Its been two days I have been in this place. The little crack on the wall that light comes through is what I use to tell when its morning or night.

This place that my kidnappers place me in seems like an old apartment. The walls are Rusty beyond belief and there's no window. The door is one of those iron ones that looks like it can only be opened from outside, when I woke up I was on a tattered sheet that did nothing to spare me from the cold concrete and at the corner a sign was there that said pee here. Like I'm not a human being, do they really expect me to do my business where I'm sleeping, but I guess you can't expect nothing else from kidnappers.

I sighed using the sheet to tend to my head that was bleeding, the pain it caused was the only thing assuring me that I was alive, come to think of it pain is the only thing that I feel, as everything else my body is numb to, like happiness, I can't even remember what it feels to be happy, I don't even remember how to smile, is it the moving of your lips or moving your mouth up?. Doesn't make sense I try to remember something I won't get a chance of doing.

The day I was captured is still fresh in my mind.


I pulled my sweater tighter against my body seeking warmth from the tattered year old thing, against this merciless cold night air. Although this sweater has multicolored threads and cloth on it,due to me having to sew up the holes that appeared on it over years, its actually my favorite sweater. It was a Christmas gift from dad back when it was just him, my brother, my mom and me. I had the best family back then even thou we didn't have much, we were still happy, but the day of the accident it turned from the best to the worst family.

I looked on the piece of paper one more time, it said 14 Charlie view and if I remembered correctly that's just two blocks ahead. I hurriedly walked so I can just get this package for my mom from this guy. She told me  that he would meet me in the alley at the address. I reached the address and I didn't see any one, I guess they hadn't reached yet. I waited a few more minutes and still didn't see anyone, I was just about to turn and go when a black SUV pulled up on the curve. I guess this must be them.

I stood there waiting yet still no one came out of the car. I got a little irritated because I'm out here freezing my butt off while whoever in the car is warm and cozy. So I did the one thing any cold and sleep deprived person would do, I went and knocked on the driver's window. when the window rolled down I was greeted by a man suit out in full black and had on dark glasses, from the little I could see, it looked like he had a scar across his face. From the looks of him, I could tell he wasn't someone to be played with so I quickly got to the point.

"Um...Cc - an I gg-et tt-he  pp-ackage?" I stuttered.
He smirk at me like he was pleased with my stuttering. He turned to someone on his right that I never saw before now.

"Vai a prendere il pacchetto" he said with a deep voice, I'm guessing Italian.

I saw the guy on his right got out of the vehicle and coming towards me, out of instinct I started backing up out of fear. It was when my back hit a wall that I knew I was done for.

I tried turning to run but was soon caught by two rough hands in a strong grip. I thrashed about trying to get out of his hold as he was heading towards the car. He threw me in the back and I started screaming and pounding on the glass only to feel a harsh blow to my head. Before I was out, I heard the words "Cagna stupida" (stupid bitch)

End of flashback

From then I was placed in here, I haven't heard or seen anyone.  The first day I spent in here the roof started leaking, so I guessed  it was raining. My nose was then hit with a repugnant smell, like something died and they waited till it rotten to take it out. I spent most of that night vomiting.

That night I was sleep deprived due to the rotten scent, the sheet was wet, the ground was wet and cold and the  continuous noises rodents like rats and cockroaches would make as they run around, I guess they came in through the hole. I also was afraid that whoever kidnapped me was waiting for me to fall asleep before they killed me.

For the first time since I have been here I heard movements and talking outside the door, then it sounded like the door was being opened. I curled up more into the corner afraid of whoever is coming in. The Jingling stopped and then the door opened.





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