The Beginning Where it all Started

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Kennedy was sitting in the car driving to their knew apartment. By they I mean her and her brother Zachary. Or Zach as she calls him. 

Kennedy was a huge youtuber. And everyone liked to watch her videos, but little do they know that she has a crush on another youtuber named Stephen Sharer. Another well known youtuber. 

Pulling up to their parking space, Kennedy and Zach walked inside to their new home that was already furnished. But they still had a house down in Los Angelos California by her best friend Rebecca Zamolo. Walking into her house Kennedy decided to make a YouTube video, but live, she set up her camera and pressed start.

Stephen POV:

I was sitting in my living room watching a movie with Grace when I got a notification on my phone that Kennedy Blake was starting a live stream. I jumped up from my couch and ran across the room to grab my computer.

"Woah there, what are you doing Stephen?" Grace asked.

"Well Kennedy is starting a live stream and I want to watch."

"Again with your crush on her, she doesn't even know that we exist." Grace noted while rolling her eyes.

"No, Rebecca said that she would tell her about us. Now be quiet, Kennedy's starting."

Rolling her eyes, Grace went back to watching the live stream on Stephens computer.

Kennedy POV:

I was talking on my live stream and there were a ton of people there. When my doorbell rang.

"How could someone already be ringing our doorbell, we got here not even 10 minuets ago?" I looked at the camera.

"Hold on while I go and answer the door.  Opening the door there was a box with no return address. Shrugging her shoulders, Kennedy went beck inside.

"Its a box with no return address." Kennedy said while looking at the camera. Opening the box, comments were coming in telling her not to open it. but she did anyway.

"There is just a note?"

Grabbing the note from the box she opened it and it said:

"Welcome to your new home, 

even thought you won't be there for long.

Do you want to play a game?


"What could this mean? Sorry everyone but I am ending this live stream to go to my main channel and post a video there, but thanks for coming and if you know anything about this, then please go onto my main channel when I post this new video I'm about to make and tell my there. Love yall bu bye."

Kennedy then ended the video. But two things remined.

Who sent this and what does it mean?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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