Chapter 37

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The first thing Éponine noticed as she awoke was the slight pressure being applied to her hand. The second was the smell. She was not at home nor was she anywhere she had ever been before. It was clean, and bright. Her eyes fluttered open and immediately shut again. They couldn't adjust to the light. However they were also almost swollen shut. She turned her head, despite the massive pain in her neck, to find Enjolras sitting in a chair next to her, his face on the bed. She saw his hand gripping lightly her hers, the slight pressure she had felt when she first woke up, and she smiled. She reached her other hand over and tapped his head.

He lifted it groggily and when he finally saw Éponine's open brown eyes he sat up quickly smiling. "Éponine, you're awake! Thank goodness" he said relieved.

Éponine struggled to sit up so Enjolras stood and helped her. "How long have I been out?" She asked.

Enjolras sat down on the edge of her bed, "About 2 days. You had me worried sick" he said holding her hand.

She smiled, "Enjolras, what happened after you came in? After I passed out" she asked.

She saw Enjolras gulp, "Well as soon as you were out Marius looked at me with this malicious smile and he said 'She'll never be yours. Not if I can do anything to prevent it'. Then just like that he ducked out of your window and ran off. I ran to you and took you to the hospital. You were admitted and I stayed here for the past 2 days waiting for you to wake up" he said.

Éponine smiled but she immediately felt her mind drift to Marius's words. "Enjolras, I'm scared. I don't want to be with him anymore. I can't be with him anymore. He promised so many times that it would never happen again but it did. It kept happening and I-I can't do it anymore. I thought I knew him. I thought he loved me. Enjolras, I don't know what love is. What is love because I've had the wrong idea my whole life" she said looking at him desperately.

Enjolras gripped her hand tightly and crouched in front of her. "Love is when you care for someone so much that you would do anything for them. It's being their rock, their shoulder to cry on, and the person they can always go to for help. Éponine, I love you. I have since we were children. When you told me about your parents I knew I loved you and that I had to protect you" he said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

Enjolras shrugged, "I don't know. I wasn't brave enough, I guess. I wanted you to make the decision and me to not force it, but when you started dating Marius I just wanted to keep you away from him but you made your choice. It hurt me to watch you go down that path but I wanted you to lead your own life. I didn't want to intrude" he said sheepishly.

Eponine reached her hand up and placed it on his face, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I put you through. Not just now but for our whole friendship. It's my fault my father is after you-" Éponine said but

Enjolras shook his head. "I called the police before I heard Marius in your room. They're out looking for him now. He was out on parole but when I told them he threatened us they immediately responded. He should be back in jail by now. We're safe" he said smiling at her.

"Enjolras, before I saw my father I saw Marius's ex-girlfriend. She told me about how the same thing happened to her and how she had to get a restraining order to get rid of him" she said.

Enjolras nodded, "I know" he said.

Éponine looked at him suprised, "You know?" She asked.

He nodded, "That's what I've been trying to tell you since the beginning. Do you remember before and after your first date? I was trying to tell you that. I saw it in the news. It didn't say his name but it said he was a transfer student from Paris Academy so I put the pieces together" he said.

Éponine sighed, "Gosh I'm so stupid. How could I not listen to you! I-I just can't believe it. I was enchanted by the idea of having a boyfriend that I wouldn't listen to you. I'm sorry. If I wasn't so stubborn this wouldn't have happened" she said tears streaming down her face.

Enjolras placed his hands on her cheeks, "This is not your fault. It's his, not yours. Don't even think for a second that you deserved this and Éponine, I think you should get a restraining order" he said.

Éponine shook her head, "Don't you need proof? Like physical proof" She asked.

Enjolras smirked, "I'm sorry but have you seen yourself dear Éponine? I'm sure that this would suffice" he said.

Éponine laughed lightly, "Okay mister no need to be rude" she said.

Enjolras laughed, "Sorry Ép. Ill call the nurse in" he said walking to the door.

"Okay" she said softly after him. He smiled at her before leaving the room. She watched him exit and listened to his footsteps down the hallway until she couldn't hear them anymore. She laid back it her bed and smiled. She finally knew what love was. It wasn't something you had to earn through obedience and beatings but something that came naturally to two people. When you valued someone else's needs and desires more than you cared for your own. She loved Enjolras and he loved her and that was all she needed.

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