Part 4

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**Matt's POV**

Damn she's gorgeous. I want to be with her. What am I saying? I am Matt Espinosa I don't ever stick with a girl for more then a week. But everything about her is perfect. Her hair, her eyes, her smile, her personality.

I am going to go home and try to talk to her.

-Matt's house-

I walked up to my room her window was open and lights were on.

I threw some pebbles at her window.

"What?" she asked

"Can you come over here and talk?" I asked giving the puppy dog face

"I can't just walk past my parents room and come over its 1am" She said

"I'll be right back." I said

I came back a few minutes with a ladder putting it across from her window to mine.

"Come on" I said smirking

"What if I fall?" She asked

"It's only like a 10ft drop" I said "I'm just kidding. You're not going to fall."

**Alyssa's POV**

I carefully climbed across. What does he want? I'm so scared.

He took my hand and walked me over to his bed. I was about to speak when he kissed me. Yeah I liked it but I'm not letting this happen. I pushed him off of me.

"Listen, Alyssa I like you a lot." He said and started kissing me again.

"Matt I can't do this" I said got up and climbed back into my window.

Before shutting my window I heard Matt.

"I'm such a fucking idiot" he said and punched the wall.

-next day-

I didn't get out of bed at all. My day consisted of me crying and trying to recover my breathing. I finally got up at 7pm.

I walked past Matt's window to see him making out with a freshman. I slammed the window shut. Then I completely broke down in the middle of my room on the floor forgetting my curtains were open.

"You need to leave" I heard Matt say to the girl

Then I heard someone tapping on my window. I looked over to see Matt on the ladder that was being held up by a flower box.

"Go away!" I yelled at Matt

"Please let me in" he said

"No I just want to die" I screamed at him

**Matt's POV**

I watched her sit and cry for what seemed like to be forever. I did this to her. I'm such an idiot this is how I try to fucking make her jealous.

After a little while she got up and pulled out a box under her bed. She took out a razor blade and a bottle of pills.

Is she going to try and kill her self. I ran downstairs out the door to her house and starting ringing the bell. A few seconds later her Mom opened the door.

"Hi Matthew, Alyssa is upstairs in her room." her mom said

I ran past her upstairs to see Alyssa standing on the edge of her window. I heard her sniffling. I slowly and quietly walked in. I could see blood dripping off her wrists.

Once I got up to her I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her in. She started freaking out.

She was smacking me "Let me jump" she said crying.

"Shhh it's okay, it's okay" I said

After 20 minutes she finally calmed down.

"I know I fucked up so bad, I really like you and the only reason I brought that girl over was to try and make you jealous and I realized how stupid I am." I spoke softly

"I forgive you but if you ever want anything to become of us I am going to have to gain your trust" she said "I hate myself" she said that under her breath

"Don't ever say that you're amazing and so many people love and care about you" I said

"Do you want to know what happened at my old school?" she asked and I just nodded

"I was bullied basically every single day by the schools popular group. They would call me names and physically abuse me too. I have scars all over my body from them. It was so bad I started to self harm. I hated my life and I didn't want to live anymore. That's when I met my best friend Kaitlin. She helped me through everything, she even somehow got them to stop bullying me. I had also stopped self harming. Then one day she got into a car accident. I had lost the only person who truly knew everything about me and cared about me." she said before she broke down again

"I'm so sorry" I said rocking her in my arms

She pulled away and saw the blood on my shirt.

"Sorry I ruined your shirt" she said giggling

"It's okay only because you're cute! Let's go clean you up" I said guiding her to the bathroom

She sat down on the counter and grabbed a wash cloth and threw it at me.

"Matt can I ask you something?" She asked

"Yeah sure"

"Why do you like me?"

"Because you're sweet, kind, beautiful, funny and a million other things that make you so perfect." I answered

She just smiled. After I cleaned her off I carried her into her room and put her in bed. I kissed her on the cheek and said "You don't have to say it back but I love you."

Hope you like it!



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