Chapter One

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love you babe. Please Harry, take me. I want you.' Draco bent over Harry, kissing his neck as he pushed him on the soft Slytherin bed. The blonde smiled down at his lover, hunger flashing in his eyes. They leaned in for a kiss and...

"-arry! Harry! Wake up! We have to go to the forest to play 'dare me if you dare' remember?"

Harry bolted upright to face a ginger haired, freckled face. Ron was standing above him, snapping his fingers in front of his face.

"I'm awake! I'm awake! Merlin, don't shout."

"Sorry babe, I was just worried. I don't want us late. Those pesky Slytherins will be teasing us again about how Gryffindors are 'lazy sleepy late assholes'."

"Yeah you're right. Let's go." Harry sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He attempted to stand up, but Ron stopped him and pushed him back.

"Not until I get my morning kiss. Where are your manners honey?" Ron grinned, leaning in to his beloved boyfriend.

Harry captured his lips and gave him a long loving kiss like he always did every single morning for the past five months. But the kiss this morning was different. It wasn't full of love and passion. He didn't feel like the emotions expressed through it were real.

"Hey, Babe are you alright?" Ron said, noticing the change in passion.

"Yeah. Kinda, blacked out in my mind I guess..." Harry lost track of his words. He shook his head and plastered a smile on his face. He couldn't stop thinking about the dream he had. He was having sex with Draco Malfoy. DRACO FUCKING MALFOY!

Ron was worried for his boyfriend, but shook it off. It was probably nothing. They dressed up, made the bed and were rushing down the hallways laughing over some jokes, after fetching Hermione from the common room who waiting for them impatiently.

When they reached the forest, to their horror the Slytherins were already there. The leader of the 'pack' grinned, and made his way to the prince of the other 'pack'.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" Draco walked up close to Harry, his face a fist away from Harry's.

"Here, you have a cheerful trio of Gryffindors, facing a scowling trio of stray Slytherins."

Draco mimicked Harry talking, pulling a face and faking his hand was a talking mouth, gaping wide and blabbering shit.

"Yeah, yeah... whatever. Are you ready to prove yourself weak in the game of 'dare me if you dare'? " Or are you perhaps, scared and wanna give up right away?" Draco ignored the cold look on his crush's eyes and kissed him softly.

He did that a lot. Draco had a big crush on Harry for about five to six years now, and didn't mind showing it. Unfortunately for him, Ron confessed his love to Harry and the two became a couple. Draco still didn't give a shit that Harry had a boyfriend and kept trying to prove himself better than the 'weasel'.

Usually, Harry would hate it. But this time, the kiss was rather... pleasant. Before he knew what he was doing, he found himself kissing back. Instead of a short peck on the lips and an attempt to make out, Draco received a passionate kiss back from his crush. 'Making progress' he thought.

He released his thoughts too soon, as a second went by and he couldn't feel Harry's lips anymore. Another second, and his jaw met a fist and an angry facial expression of the weasel.

"Watch your moves Malfoy! What the fuck do you think you're doing? For your record, Harry is taken for about five months now. About time you find yourself a rag doll to snog and leave my boyfriend alone!"

R on shielded the concerned Harry by standing in front of him. He was raged and furious. Harry was slightly thankful to him for getting him out of the sensational confusion. But yet again, way too soon. He turned around on his heels and slapped Harry on the cheek.

"And what do you think you're doing? Kissing him back now, are you? How about you go fuck him as well, if you don't mind, Hugh?!" Ron pushed Harry away from himself, crossing his arms on his chest.

The pain in Draco's jaw loosened and he walked over to stand by Harry's side. He caressed his cheek with his long, slender, soft finger where Ron had slapped him. He wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, pulling him close by his side.

"And what do you think you're doing? You are abusing your boyfriend over the one thing he did right. At least he knows how to kiss."

Somewhat, Harry liked Draco's touch. He liked to feel himself pressed against the posh blonde's strong body. But he knew that if he would stay by his side any longer, Ron would get even more jealous. He wriggled out of Draco's touch, but stood by his side. A few seconds later he was pulled away from him by Hermione.

Pansy and Blaise snickered from behind, seeing the confused, manipulated, naïve and silly Harry. Draco snapped his fingers fiercely, shutting them up.

He turned at his heels and went along with his two friends and sat down on the ground by the tree. The trio of Gryffindors unwillingly and grumpily walked over to them and sat opposite them.

"Aright. We are finally in eighth year and we are now allowed to play this game. As you know, this game has been a tradition ever since the first dark war. Every five years, three Gryffindors and Slytherins or Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs gather for a month or two, daily, to play this game. We can take this any direction we want. It is somewhat like 'Truth or Dare', but it's dare only. Let's begin?"

" Hope this isn't going to affect either of us negatively." Hermione mumbled, and Pansy nodded in agreement. The two of them have been getting along pretty well after the big truce.

"Oh, don't huff. Isn't it an honor to be picked to do it? We are lucky it's Slytherin against Gryffindor." Blaise scuffed, wanting to just get on with it.

"Alright then. The order is Hermione, Blaise, Pansy, Me, Ron and Harry. Let's start?" Draco announced, clapping his hands together and rubbing them thoroughly.

Everyone nodded, and Hermione began. Alright. She spun a twig that lay before them, and it landed on Draco. He grinned. She swallowed hard, afraid of daring him anything. She pulled herself together and spoke.

"Okay. Draco, I dare you" she stuttered for a while, thinking of the dare. She remembered that the task was to ship two people together and she didn't want it to be hard. As it landed on Draco, she decided to ship him with Harry as he already has a crush on him.

"Okay, start again... Draco I dare you to kiss Harry." She mumbled, lookin apologetically at Harry.

Ron shot her a deadly stare, and she squealed. "I'm so sorry Ron! I'm so so sorry! What have I done?!"

Realization dawned upon her as she watched the victorious grin creep up the grand Slytherin's face. She remembered the rules. The first person to start has to first dare a person to do something Love related to another.

That would be the couple that would be attempted to be shipped together for the next two months. She forgot about that, but now there was no turning back. Ron had to sacrifice his boyfriend to Draco.

"Thank you Granger, I shall respect you." Said Draco, nodding her way, the grin not leaving his face. He was pleased and glad that the mud blood was so stupid. A quick blabber and slow thinker.

She lowered her head, afraid of Ron's reaction. Surprisingly, he stayed calm as ever. He respected the school's rules and traditions and would obey. But also, he knew a way he would punish Harry for betraying him, even though it wasn't really his own fault. Harry was going to be sorry for everything.

The first chapter is out, if there are any mistakes feel free to correct me.

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