Ct 1 | fairy tail ball

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A/n: today is BACK TO SCHOOL day for everyone, rose is going to a normal university ... or is she?


rose's mom: rose! hurry up your gonna be late for school on your first day!!

rose: *rushes* I'am Done!

rose's mom: okay of you go now rose call me if something happens okay? bye sweetie

rose: bye mom! *walks out of the house*

travis: good morning rose

rose: good morning travis! now what were does magic words again to the gate between earth and the fairytail word?!

travis: uggh let me do it

rose: OKAY! *jumps*

travis: there you go .. AHHHHHH!

rose: oops! sorry travis , i guess were falling again hehe

*dragon catches them from falling*

dragon: seriously?! again?! uggh kids *lands them safely on the ground*

rose: THANK YOU DRAGON! WOHOOOO! *runs to the classroom*

travis: hey rose wait up! uggh bad luck beast.

head mrs: good morning class .. today we will have a fairy tail ball , this performance will be graded so be on your best behavior

astoria: did you hear that?! it will be graded! guys please nail this ball

hawk: no problem! i'am gonna make all of them open there mouth in shock

joy: uhuh yeah umm why don't you tell that to all the girls running to you

hawk: uh oh! be right back!

*everyone giggles*

travis: bad luck beast! why does hawk get all the girls

astoria: uggh snap out of it .. fix yourselves up for the ball while i study! got it

joy: your gonna study for a ball?!

astoria: well duhh! how am i suppose to know how to sit properly,walk,dance,talk -

rose: okay okay we got it , go do your studying thing while we do our get ready thing

astoria: good call rose

*everybody leaves the classroom*

joy: who are you going with rose?

rose: umm i don't know nobody asked me yet

joy: that's ok we could all go as friends

rose: ok this is my first ball in the fairy tail ball , i wonder if i can find anything for my fairy tail collection!!

joy: yeah .. look why are there a lot of girls there?

rose: i don't know .. let's find out

*walks to where there are a lot of girls*

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