2 - The Ploy

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Joey invited Lauren around to his apartment for dinner two days later so that they could exchange their Christmas presents, seeing as they wouldn't see each other again until after the holidays were over. He had given her a new baking cookbook, and she got him a Michigan Wolverines t-shirt. They hugged each other tightly, for maybe a little longer than they should have done, but Joey put it down to the fact that they were going to miss each other.

Now Lauren was sat on the counter swinging her legs as he peeled carrots, very unhelpfully reminding him not to cut his finger.

"Are you actually gonna help or are you just gonna keep pointing out the obvious?" he asked, smiling.

"Hey, you invited me over for dinner, you didn't say anything about helping you cook!" she reasoned.

He rolled his eyes. "I should have just ordered takeout."

At that moment Lauren's phone rang. She checked the caller ID before hopping off the counter and raising the phone to her ear as she wandered out of the kitchen and into the living room, shutting the door behind her to block out the sounds of cooking.

Joey had almost finished peeling the carrots when he heard Lauren's groan of frustration. "Shit!"

He started, very nearly slicing his finger open on the knife. He let it clatter down onto the counter and rushed through into the next room. Lauren was sat on the couch, her phone on the cushion beside her and her head in her hands. He went over to her cautiously, sitting down next to her and placing a gentle hand on her back.

She looked up at the touch, giving him a smile to try and reassure him. "Sorry, I didn't mean for you to hear that."

"Everything okay?" he asked worriedly.

She huffed out a breath. "Not exactly."

He stood, holding out a hand and leading them back into the kitchen so he could finish up dinner while she talked. She hoisted herself back onto the counter, still swinging her legs but looking slightly more subdued, and her playful teasing was gone. He waited for her to talk, not wanting to push her, although his mind was racing wondering what could be distressing her so much. He had almost finished dishing up before she spoke.

"I kind of need your help with something," she said hesitantly. Joey frowned slightly, waiting for her to go on.

"That was my mom on the phone." She stretched up on tiptoes to reach the glasses in the cupboard, pouring them drinks and taking them through to the dining table while Joey carried their plates over.

Joey looked at her expectantly as she sat down, but she quickly took a mouthful of food to buy herself time. She chewed thoughtfully, a crease between her brows as she tried to figure out how best to ask her question. He'd reassured her often enough that they could always be completely honest with each other, but he could tell she was having trouble working up her nerve as she tried to ease into asking him whatever was on her mind.

After what felt like an agonising wait Lauren swallowed and took a deep breath. "She wanted to check my plans for Christmas. And she asked if my boyfriend was coming with me." She looked up at Joey through her eyelashes to see his reaction. He had frozen with his fork halfway to his mouth, looking like he had just been told the world was ending.

He lowered his fork shakily back to his plate, the food forgotten. "Your boyfriend? I didn't know you had a boyfriend," he asked, trying to sound casual but sure she would be able to hear the disappointment in his voice. Not only that she had a boyfriend, but that she hadn't even told him.

"Well, that's the problem. I don't," she explained, and Joey hoped she wouldn't notice the obvious relief that washed over him as she continued. "But she thinks he's coming to visit with me."

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