Chapter 27

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Yoongi POV

After lunch had finished everyone started heading for their classes. We had all agreed to meet up after school at Namjoon's house to clear up everything with (Y/N).

"Yoongi!" I heard Namjoon yell to me while running towards me.

"Yeh?" I answered.

"Can you do me a favour?" He asked to which a hummed in response. "Can you check up on (Y/N)?"

"Me? Why can't you?" I asked.

"I've got to hand it my assignment. If it was any other day I would, plus I'm pretty sure she trusts you the most out of everyone else" He then said.

Yeah right, she does, I thought sarcastically, but still, "Fine" I said with a sigh.

"Here." He said handing me the key then running off the class yelling a "Thanks!"

Once I got to the house I decided to knock first. No answer.

Another knock, Still no answer.

I let out a sigh and pulled the key out of my pocket.

"Walking in, I didn't see her, maybe she's in the kitchen? Nope.

My next guess was her room. I opened the door the tiniest bit and saw her sitting on her bed with a tear stained face looking down at something.

"(Y/N)?" I spoke softly.

She shot her head up and looked at me then quickly looked away while using the back of her hands to wipe her tears away. Thanks a lot Namjoon, what am I meant to do in this scenario.

"Go away." She spoke.

"No." I replied casually.

It was quiet for a few seconds until she spoke again, "I said go away." Still not turning to look at me.

"And I said no." I replied again walking towards her and looked at what she was looking at. It was that picture from when we were going through photos at Jimin's house.

"It's a nice picture isn't it?" I asked awkwardly.

She stays quiet.

"Look how dorky Namjoon looks." I chuckle trying to make her laugh.

She's still silent, Crap, I'm running out of ideas.

I guess I should just get to the point. "Look, it wasn't Jimin who sent those messages to you, someone stole his phone" I explained.

"what?" She finally pulled her head up and looked towards me.

"It wasn't Jimin who sent those messages to you, someone stol-" I repeated but she cut me off.

"Yeh, I heard you but what do you mean?" She replied.

"I mean, it wasn't Jimin who sent you those messages, someone st-" I repeated again.

"Okay, okay, I get it," She gave me a soft giggle.

At least I made her smile again.

"Do you know who it was?" She then suddenly asked.

"At first, I guessed Mina but she didn't come to school today. Neither did Seung." I explained and she replied with a nod.

We went quiet again so I decided to break the silence, "(Y/N)?"

"Yeh?" she replied.

"Why would you even believe something like that? Don't you know Jimin by now?" I asked her.

"To be honest I was, I don't know, I haven't known you all for long, I feel like you have all lived your whole life not knowing me, and if I just left, you all could still go the rest of your lives without me." She said, looking down.

"Idiot." I mumbled under my breath. "I don't care how long we've known you for, even if its only ben a day. We know each other now and we all care about each other. Don't think something so stupid again, okay?"

She looked up towards me and nodded.

We sat there staring at each other. It was silent but it felt nice.

The silences was suddenly broken by a voice yelling out. "(Y/N)! I'm home!" It was Namjoon". It was at this moment i relised how close our faces had gotten to each other.

Her eyes went wide and quickly jumped back. Running out of the room yelling, "Coming!"

Shit. Were we... actually about to..... Get your shit together, Yoongi, no you weren't.
I stood up trying to get the thought out of my head. As if. I shook my head and walked out.


After clearing everything up and apologising to Jimin for thinking he would do such a thing I headed to my room for a bit, after all i still had school work to catch up on after skipping class today.

Mina POV

"Why do you always keep me waiting?" I said, annoyed at the boy that just entered the cafe now standing at my table placed at the back corner.

"I'm sorry, gezz" He apologised clearly not meaning it but I just shrugged it off as he sat next to my cousin. "But guess what I found out today."

"What?"  I looked towards Seung, waiting for his answer.

"Yoongi doesn't have (Y/N)'s number." He said.

"So?" I asked not caring.

"Soo... Why don't one of you text her saying you're him." He said now getting my full attention.

"And then we'll make her hate yoongi too." Mei added.

"Mei, you're a genius" I exclaimed.

"Yeh sure." Seung added.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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