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"Hey sweetie, could you be a doll and pick up my refill?"

"Sure ma", you put your sneakers on. Before you leaves the house, your mother hands her some money,"You can get something for yourself while you're out". She hugs you,"Thanks mom. I'll be back."

You takes your bike out the garage and rides into town. It doesn't take long for you to reach the store. You park your bike then walk into the store. It's basically empty, except for the pharmacist, Mr. Keene. You walked through the aisle to the counter.

"Picking up your mother's allergy medicine, Y/n?"

"Yes sir", he nods then walks to the back. You hears the store bell off and turn around to see who's coming in.

Eddie was on his way to pick up his medication when he noticed a bike parked outside the store. The bike looked familiar to him but he couldn't figure it out. Oh well. He walks in, making the store bell ring. Eddie was about to walk down the aisle but stopped when he saw who he thought was at the end of it. When the girl turned around, his suspicion was correct. It was you, Y/n, the girl he's had a crush on since he first saw you hang out with Beverly during school.

When you saw who came in, you recognized that it was the one of the boys Bev hangs out with and on occasion gets bullied by Bowers and his goon squad. You had to admit he did look cute and gave him a small smile but he looked stuck. So, you just turned back around. Eddie was still in shock. He didn't know what to do. He considered about turning back and just getting his refill tomorrow but he knew his mother would have a cow is he came home empty-handed. So, he just took a deep breath and walked down the aisle to where you were. Poor kid felt like he was going to shit a brick, afraid he might say something stupid in front of you. You started to wonder what was taking Mr. Keene so long. Another thing was that you could tell from the corner of your eye that he looked nervous so you decided to take the leap.

"Hey, you're Eddie right?", Eddie's eyes looked like they were gonna pop out their sockets. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. His crush knew he existed and was talking to him! And to top it off, you knew his fucking name! He thought he was gonna pass out. Eddie came back to reality when he remembered that you had asked him a question. He swallowed down his nerves and spoke," Uh y-yeah, how did you know?"

You smiled and he swears he just died a little.

"I see Bev meet up with you and your friends after school. That and she talks about you guys a lot, so I had a 1 out of 6 chance I'd get your name right."

You turns your body to face Eddie. You stick your hand out,"I'm Y/n by the way, in case you didn't know." Eddie shook your hand,"I know, I see you with Beverly during school. Oh god that sounds creepy, I'm sorry. Bev talks about you with us too."

A tint of blush creeps on Eddie's cheeks as you giggle at his little rant. Never in a million years did he think this day would be remotely possible. Let alone hear your laugh because of him.

You looked down at Eddie's cast,"Who wrote that on your cast?" He looked down at the the word written on his cast. LOSER. Eddie tried to hide his broken arm behind his back,"Just someone from school. They said they were signing it and I didn't realize until it was too late." If there was any chance that you'd be with Eddie, he was convinced that chance was gone now. There's no way she'll go out with me, Eddie thought. You looked at him and shakes your head,"That's horrible." Then you got an idea. You saw that he was still hiding his arm and wasn't looking at you anymore.

"Hey", you nudged his arm and he looked at you,"Give me your arm"

Eddie raised an eyebrow and reached out with his non broken arm. You giggled and shook your head,"Not that one." You reached from behind his back and placed his broken arm on the counter. You looked around the counter and found a red sharpie,"Hold still, okay?" Eddie watched you begin to write on his cast but ended up just looking at you as you concentrated. Just when he thought his chance was gone he looked down at his cast. You had written a V over the S turning it from LOSER to LOVER. Eddie looked at you with admiration and a smile appeared on his face.

Once you were done, you put the sharpie down and looked at Eddie,"There, that's better. Do you like it?" Before he could filter his words he responded,"I like you." Your cheeks grew warm from the blush that appeared. It seemed like Eddie didn't register what he said yet and you didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Good to know", finally Mr. Keene came back to the front and handed you the bag of your mother's medication. You thanked him and looked back at Eddie,"Well I've got to get going, but don't be a stranger. I'd love to hangout with you more." You gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking down the aisle, exiting the store. Eddie finally realized what he said and what just happened. He thought he was gonna die right then and there. He looked at his cast, looking to the V and noticed there was something else written under the word. Eddie shifted his arm and saw that you had signed your name. -Y/n xoxo

Eddie's chance just got much higher than he'd ever expect and he couldn't be more happier.

A Chance (Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant