Chapter 1

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Karsen(what she looks like🔝🔝🔝)

I was walking to Spencer's barn with Hanna. We walked in and saw Aria, Emily, and Spencer.
"Where's Ali at guys?" I asked. Everyone just shrugged.

Little while later.....
I got a message on my phone and everyone looked at me, "Its my mom." They nodded and Emily just nodded. I opened the message,

JASON💍😘:: Come over to my house I want to talk to you for a minute.

"Guys, I'll be back. I need to call my mom." I told them. I walked over to the DiLaurentis house and saw Jason sitting on the back porch.
"Hey baby. Are you ok?" I asked walking over to him.

He shook his head but when I sat down next to him he pulled me into his lap and put his head in my neck.
"What's wrong Jason? What happened?" I asked him.

"Its Alison. Again. I know she's your best friend but if it came down to it would you take her side or mine?" He asked me.

I smiled and looked him dead in the eyes, "I would choose you. I would do anything for you. If you asked me to run away right now and leave everything and everyone behind I'd say yes. I love you so much Jason DiLaurentis. No matter what happens, never forget that."

When I finished my small speech he kissed me. "I love you so much Karsen. I won't ever leave you alone." I was so happy right now. Little did I know that that was all going to change that night while we were all sleeping.

In the middle of the night————

When me and the other girls woke up at who knows, Alison and Spencer were gone. We all heard a noise from outside and saw Spencer walk in and drop whatever she had in her hand. "I can't find Ali. I think I heard her scream." She told us walking towards us. Without saying anything when all the girls were talking to Spencer I ran out the barn.

I ran over to the DiLaurentis' house and started throwing rocks at Jason's window. He opened it and looked down at me. "Karsen? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He asked me running his hand through his hair. "I'll explain when you come down here." I told him.

I waited for a few minutes before he opened the back door. "Ok , what are you doing here at this time babe?" He asked handing me a hoodie. I put the hoodie on and sat down. "Ok. So I guess after we all fell asleep Alison snuck out of the barn without waking us up. Spencer woke up and went to look for her. 5 minutes ago Spencer came back without Ali. She said she heard her scream." I explained to him.

"I'm scared Jase. What if Ali got hurt? She's my best friend. She's your little sister. What if we can't find her?" I cried into his chest. "Hey. Look at me. Alison is ok. We will find her and everything will be ok. Stop worrying." He told me and kissed my head. That morning nobody had found Ali. Since us girls were the last ones to see her that night we got questioned by the police.

Me and Jason started look for Ali in secret. We always came up with nothing. The cops came up with nothing and everybody was on edge hoping that Ali just showed up and said that she had run away again. But the police searched everywhere. They even had police in other towns, cities, even states looking for Ali. Nobody came up with anything so eventually they gave up hope.

Aria went to Iceland. Spencer started doing internships, and focusing on field hockey and her school work. Emily started to do swim all the time. Hanna lost all her weight and me, her and Mona became the new 'it' girls. When the DiLaurentis moved away and Jason went with them my heart was broke. We still kept in contact for awhile. We called and video chatted everyday. Until one day we just stopped. I still get those 'hey babe. How are you doing? I miss you.' texts every now and then.

I just was waiting for the day he comes back. But right now I'm shopping with Hanna and Mona. I was upstairs looking for a nice top to buy. Unlike Mona and Hanna I actually pay for stuff. I saw Spencer and went over to talk to her. "Hey Spence. How are you?" I asked her. We kept in touch and met up sometimes. The only one I don't talk to anymore is Aria.

Hanna walked up when she saw me and Spencer talking. We all talked for little bit until me and Hanna had to go. We split up so I could pay and she could go find Mona. When I was done I met up with them in the car park because Mona was driving.

the first day of school......

I was driving to school by myself because Emily wanted to ride her bike. When I got there I saw Emily talking to some girl that looked familiar. When I got closer I noticed it was Aria. "Aria hey. How have you been?" My smile was kinda forced because I never really liked Aria. She would always stare at Jason and she even told me that she had a small crush on him. I told him and he laughed and told me that I was the only one for him. Even if we couldn't go public.

I walked into the class room and right over to Hanna. We started talking and gossiping with Mona. I pointed out Aria and Hanna looked over a gave a small wave. Hanna knows that I don't like her and she knows why. She is the only one who knows about me and Jason.

1013 words.
This is my Jason DiLaurentis story. Thank you for reading and please go check on my other stories.

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