sinful confession pt1

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(Y/n) = your name
(Y/a)= your age
(F/a)=fav animal
(H/c)=hair color
(H/l)=hair length

To readers, I am sorry for bad grammar or spelling in this story.

Enjoy reading my 1st fanfic :3 

Hello, my name is (y/n) . I am (y/a)years old. So, I have a sinful confession to talk about it. I met a handsome, tall,red,deer demon, I've never seen him before I went down to Hell. Alastor sees me,I'm naive and different (f/a) demon than those the others demons who are savage and immature.At midnight, Alastor invited me to his place, his place is a big, victorian,gothic mansion.I entered in his mansion,I look up Alastor's face he gave me big sharpy smile and replied,"Welcome, my li'l sweetheart,(y/n)" I gave him a good hug, I bushed red like a cherry tomato. "He-hello,Al-Alastor." I was embarrassed as heck. "Aaw, my dear. No need to be embarrassed. Come,I served a good midnight dinner for both of us."He replied calmly as he hold my small hand I walk with him to the dinner table. His meal were so elegant and fancy like those wealthy people eat.A plate of green salad with organic berries and side of steamy pink salmon while Alastor eat with sliver fork and a steak knife to cut pieces from a dead deer that he hunted this dark evening. I giggled a bit because the way Alastor eat and there's speck of blood all over his mouth.

"Dear, is not polite to giggle while we are eating,okay."

"Okay,Alastor,I am sorry." In my opinion, he's cute while he's eating. 

After we done eating our meals, Alastor poured red wine in to my fancy glass cup, and then his too.

" Tell me, my little fawn.why are here in Hell?" Alastor playing my soft,silky,(h/l) (h/c) hair and I am so nervous and I don't what to say to him.

"I did not committed to do something sinful but I have breakdown and  angst because my rude,catholic parents are narrow-minded and they verbally abuse me for I am not worthy to this world.So, I overdose med pills to end my harsh life from being existed." My sorrowfully tears run on my cheeks, Alsator's pointy finger wipe carefully my tears and give me a big hug. I weep like a little girl, I wrapped around his neck,pressed into his suit."There, there, there, my little fawn. I am very sorry to hear that."

"Al-Alastor, I-I love y-you." I sniffle. Alastor look to my beautiful eyes like an innocent puppy.He gave me a warm kiss on my forehead,then my warm cheeks and lastly my lips. I never had a kiss in my life.

Here come part 2 soon. :3

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