The Other part 1

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Baekhyun scooped the belly of his glass with his spoon, licking incessantly till there was not a spot of ice cream left on its sides. Then without so much as a blink, he pulled Chaneyol's cherry topped strawberry ice cream towards his side of the table and started wolfing it down as usual.

" Careful love you'll get a brain freeze" Chaneyol warned , chuckling

Baekhyun made some uninterpretable sounds as he kept eating and slurping, undettered, the smeared ice cream forming a pink moustache and whiskers on his face.

Jeez how do you eat like a glutton with that tiny frame of yours?

Baekhyun stuck his tongue out, revealing it to be a veritable canvas of bright colours- a splash of strawberry with green apple , black currant and speckled with orange.Chaneyol whipped out his handkerchief, wiping the little big baby's face before he started to become more and more indistinguishable from a circus clown.



Let's have pizza after...

You will be fat and huge in ten days. At this rate, we'll need a bigger car to stuff you in.

Won't you love me if I gain a few extra pounds?

I'll love you if you grow a third eye. And webbed feet.

Then what's the problem?

Your stage...uh never it is.

Baekhyun bared his teeth smiling like a cartoon character.

Chaneyol sighed and walked to the counter to pay for the humongous amount of ice cream consumed.

Just as he asked the waitress to keep the change, he felt Baekhyun pull his sleeves vigorously.

Chaneyol turned, startled.

What is it ? You'll rip my arm off !

Chaneyollie look !!

What what what ? UFO ?

Better ! Kim Junmyeon !

The singer?

NO!! THE STAR ! My idol !! Just outside the shop ! Pinch me I'm dreaming!!

Chaneyol turned to verify what he just heard. Turned out it was Junmyeon, his hat pulled down, his dark glasses covering his face, trying to avoid recognition to the best of his abilities before he got to his car, and failing miserably.

Baekhyun bounced like popcorn

I want his autograph Chan!! NO I NEED HIS AUTOGRAPH...I WANT IT next to my star wars collectibles.

Wait Baek , I don't think you should...

Baekhyun was running on his tiny legs and tripping and stumbling before Chaneyol had time to stop him.

Junmyeon was about to get into his car and a group of fangirls were verifying his identity from a distance before they lunged at him. He nearly had a heart attack when he found a man too close to his car. Jeez man . He just wanted an ice cream and the hyenas had already begun sniffing his trail. Escaping without his bodyguard had been a blunder. BUT HE JUST WANTED A CHOCOLATE SCOOP. Jeez.He hoped this fanboy wouldn't turn out like those lunatics who wanted his 'hair' or 'skin cells' or, surprise surprise, his underpants. Freakin sickos, they needed meds. Junmyeon swerved round , looking him in the eye, clearly irritated.

Baekhyun tensed up and began to back away, realising his mistake.He was about to mouth an apology but his mouth had gone dry.

Abruptly, Junmyeon's tensed shoulders began to relax. He took off his dark shades , looking at him intently and Baekhyun noticed, surprisingly enough, a flicker of recognition swiping away the precipitated coldness in his deep eyes, like wiper blades removing rain on the car windscreen..His theory was confirmed when Junmyeon proceeded to ask " Wait aren't you the guy at SM studio...the singer...what's the name...Biran...Booma..."

"Baekhyun" Baek replied, trembling with excitement that the singer of this stature noticed a puny thing like him.

Yes . Baekhyun. Lovely voice. Would love a collab.

Si...Sir...It would would be an honour.

Junmyeon snorted.

You sing well. I heard you.

Thank you Sir.

Let's meet again.

Y..y...yes sir.

Junmyeon lowered his head and sat in his car , rolling up his window and speeding off before the girls caught up on him.

Baekhyun stood in the remaining mist of his car's exhaust fumes, pleased as a punch.

By the time Chaneyol caught up with him, he was screaming and beating the tall guy's chest with his fist, nearly turning the poor guy's rib cage to a pile of rubble.Chaneyol swooped him up and carried him to the car, while he yelled on, hoping some pizza would calm the crazy fanboy before his vocal cords turned to mush.

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