- Four -

32 0 1

Yeah, I know it's been a really long time, but I'm backkkk


let's get back into this crap :D


Keith's mind was still racing, and not just from the crash. His brain was a flurry of thoughts, ranging from "what the fuck?" to "I actually enjoyed that?"

"Keith. My man." Lance waved a hand in front of Keith's eyes. His attention snapped back to the present.

The planet was cold. There was snow everywhere, and Keith shivered in the little bit of clothes he had. all he could see was white and all he could hear was the roaring of winds. How far out of the Solar system WERE they?

"Y-y-you said you f-f-uck-ing tru-rusted a sh-ship made b-by teens with y-you're l-l-life, y-y-you s-s-son of a bit-itch."

"O-okay, okay, I-I'm sorry," Lance stuttered. "I-I'll get us ou-out of th-this."

"Y-you better," Keith replied.

The two went back inside the ship to warm up. They started a fire and they weren't as cold anymore. They sat in awkward silence.

"So," Keith started, "you're in love with me?" 

Lance cursed. This was the last thing he wanted to talk about.

"Just forget it, okay? It was stupid. I don't know why I told you that. Just... Just forget it." Lance stumbled over his words, not wanting to meet Keith's eyes. He was ashamed for feeling this way.


"We should sleep."

"Let me ta--"

"Go to sleep, Keith." Lance rolled on his side, facing away from Keith so he wouldn't see his tears. 

Keith didn't give up. He felt bad for all those times he was rude to Lance because of mood swings or the fact that Keith just didn't want to show his true feelings for him. He snaked his arms around Lance's ribs and began to spoon him. He could feel Lance tense up, but he didn't wriggle away. It was a start.

They both fell asleep.


So yeah I'll try to update more, but for now, this it basically it.


anyways, I'll be back soon!

- EnlighteningLemon

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