got tagged

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Hi guys,
How are my kittens doing.
Anyway thanks you again for the 400 viewers
So sorry for not updating for a while birthday party and family visiting I was so busy
But a demon called herself a friend in real life tagged me but here goes nothing
1. Favourite OTP
#. Adrienette, Marichat and last but not least ladynoir
2.Last person who you texted
#. I think my BF
3.Last song you listened to
#. What makes you beautiful by one direction boys
4.Reson you started wattpad
#. One of my friend she was tired of telling me her stories in class so she told me to start an account because I am mad of reading I love reading last year my classmates gave me the "BEST READER" in class badge
5.Do you like someone
#. No
6.Best guy friend
#. One boy in my church he is one year younger than me his name is Melvin
7.Do he/she like you back
#. No
8.Middle name
#. Tirza
9.Single or taken
#.  Single
10.Favourite anime
#. pokemon and love live

And do you guys remember this:

Favourite Ships:
favourite character:
favourite villian:
favourite episode:
Favourite anime:
Favourite friction of miraculous:

I asked you guys these questions I will answer those too
Favourite Ships: already wrote
favourite character: plagg and alya
favourite villian: of course darkCupid
favourite episode: copycat
Favourite anime: pokemon
Favourite friction of miraculous:

Miraculous Life Of a Model and Princess (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now