Queen Preference #1

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How the two of you met...

It was at a party! Freddie was making eyes at you the whole night, but hadn't approached you yet. So, you took matters into your own hands and went to him. Things went well and the night ended with you two making out and leaving. You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face, you look over and see Freddie doing the same, "Good Morning beautiful" he says after kissing you. What happened last night? "Did we...?" You trail off asking Freddie if the two of you had slept together. He laughs, "Oh no, Darling- I wish! But, I would never sleep with anyone while drunk. Especially with you, I would want to remember ever single moment..." you blush in response. "So would you like to go out for breakfast or stay in bed and we can cook with each other later?" You giggle and pick the second choice.

You had always been a science freak and found out that there was going to be a special surprise event held at the Imagination Station
(A/N: if you don't know what that is look it up, if you're too lazy to- it's a science place for kids basically). You tell your little brother to get ready, "We're going to the Imagination Station!" You tell him with glee. Once the two of you arrive there you see that the whole place is galaxy themed! "Woooow, y/n can we go inside now?" You nod your head yes, and you can't wait to see what's in there. The two of you run in and bump into a guy, "Ouch!" The man screams, "Oh my God, I am incredibly sorry Sir!" You look up at the man, and the two of you make eye contact- he's seems to be your age, y'all and handsome. The two of you talk and he ask for your number. You guys hit it off from there, even your little brother likes him. He drops you and your brother off at home that night "Thank you for an amazing day, Bri- and for the ride home." You thank him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll make sure to call you tomorrow morning, good night  y/n."

Crazy as it seems, you guys met at a car show. Roger was showing off his beloved car, you walk past him and stop. "Wow, what a beautiful car you have..." you whisper feeling a bit awkward. "Oh, why thank you! Do you know anything about cars?" Roger smiles at you, he seems very excited that you have taken interest in him car, too bad he doesn't know what you're actually interested in. "Um, no... I honestly c-came over here to talk to you. I don't know a thing about cars, other than how to drive them" you giggle. "Well, if that's the case- why don't we get out of here and get to know each other?"

You and John met before a show. He had told you that he was the bass player in a band called Queen. You had really hit things off with John, and he was ready to head off into the stage. He gave you a light kiss on the cheek before he left and you wished him luck! The rest of the gig, he was looking at you, dancing with his bass and singing- having an amazing time. Once the show was over and people had left, you walked up to him and you gave him a hug, "John, you did amazing up there! You were absolutely fantastic!" He just looks at you with a smile and crashes his lips into yours. He pulls back, "Oh my, y/n I'm so sorry. I should have asked to kiss you! How do I know if you even like me ba-..." you cut him off with a long passionate kiss, and you can hear his band mates cheering him on. The two of you giggle and smile at each other.

THE BOOK OF Q U E E NOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora