9. Dr. Loso.

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9. Dr. Loso.


I was still laying peacefully in bed, sleeping, till I felt a pair of arms pull me against their chest and their chin resting on the crook of my neck.

"I'm getting a chain on my door, I hope you know that." I said still keeping my eyes closed and my back turned to him.

"I'll still get in. Why aren't you answering?" He asked so calmly and in a low tone, into my ear.

"Because I was asleep." Lie but I didn't want to tell him. I feel foolish for being upset about what I saw because he and I are just friends but I can't help feeling hurt. That was supposed to be me he was hugging and Vontae was supposed to be Loso. I know Loso would have never kicked me out and left me to walk home in the cold, dark, rainy night.

"Why are you lying? Ebony you know you can be real with me. I ain't just gon' walk out on you because of the truth." I felt him slip under the blankets with me and a kiss planted on my neck. "Tell me what's really got you down."

"Last night Vontae and I went out just to eat burgers at the sports bar like place. It wasn't a date or anything but on the way home, he kicked me out of his car and I had to walk all over town. Then I saw you with some girl, I know I shouldn't be upset about that because we're just friends, but I was." Thank God my back was to him as I told him this. I really didn't want to see his facial expression at how foolish I sounded.

"He kicked you out?" I could hear the anger bubbling in his voice. I nodded my head. "In the rain last night? Ebony if you saw me, why didn't you just come over to me?"

"You were hugged up on someone."

"So? She's irrelevant. Just a friend of my sister's." Now I felt like he was disappointed with me. That's just great, way to go Ebony. Leave it to yourself to make people upset with you. "Please tell me nothin' happened to you while you were walking home."

"Nothing did. I just think I'm catching a cold." I could already feel that pre-sore throat scratchy sensation in the back of my throat.

"Ebony if you're in a situation, please hit me up or somethin'." He said holding me so close, it was giving me a sexual-nervous feeling. I could feel he was in sweats and I could feel something that I usually never felt when he was in his jeans. I turned around and was greeted to a concerned Loso.

"Okay I will... You should probably go though. I don't want to get you sick." Why does he have to look so damn good in everything. Just why, he's in a sweatshirt but he wears it so well, I just want to drool like a drugged cat.

"Really? You think I'm scared of being sick?" He cocked a brow. "Where does Vontae live-"

"I don't know and I'm not telling you if I ever find out. Don't do anything to him Loso, I don't want you going to jail." I protested but he only chuckled.

"Ebony, I'm gonna find out where he lives at some point. I don't need you to tell me anything, all I needed was his name and I'll be able to find him." He said before kissing my forehead.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I said with a groan as I rolled out of bed.

"Get yourself all cleaned up, I'm gonna run out and get us breakfast." He said climbing out of bed too.

"Alright and thank you." I smiled at him.


"I never knew you could cook." I chuckled as he fed me my last bite of waffles. He refused to let me feed myself, since I'm a sick patient in his eyes.

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