Calla lily's

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She sighs as she walks up to the gravestone, the cold air surrounding her fragile body. Reading the words in the tomb she cracks a small smile.

"Is there lots of calla Lily's up there mom?" She sniffles before crouching down.

She remembers how her mother would hold her close. She remembers her intoxicating scent and her sweet sweet touch. And she missed it. She missed everything about her, and she wished she could get just one chance to experience it again.

But she couldn't.

Because she was gone.

At the though she starts to cry. She'd give her all just for her to come back. But even if she did, she knew she never would. Death was inevitable, unstoppable, and her mother had fallen victim to it. Taken away from her in a single night, to never come back.

And it pained her so much. She lost her best friend and her mother. The only one she entrusted her secrets to, the one who would never judge her was gone.

And she was alone to face the world by herself. With not a clue of where to even start, or where to go.

She sniffled. Taking a ring out of her pocket. She smiles before slipping it on.
"I still have the ring mom, after all these years. I still kept it." She smiles through her tears.

She quietly stands up and walks away. Looking down at the beautiful ring her mother had given her. It was two Calla Lily's. One on top of another. Her mother's favorite flowers on such a beautiful ring.

She remembers the exact words her mother had told her when she gave it to her. "This big Lily, right here, that's me. The little one, tucked safely under it is you. These flowers are you and me, against the world together forever. Don't you ever forget that."

The girl smiles thinking about the words her mother had told her. She turns around before waving to the stone.
"Goodbye mom. I love you"
And with that she walks away.


I have a picture of the ring but it won't load -3- stupid Wattpad.
This was sort of angsty. Something new to try. :)

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