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Christmas Market

(A/N: "sex" is the latin for "six" just to clear things up!!!)


"One day someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else."

~ Unknown



It had been such little time since she last saw him, but during that time, she immediately spotted small differences that would have otherwise just blurred into one big picture; the first notice being that he had got a haircut.

His blonde hair was no longer long enough so that he used to constantly have to tie it up in a man bun, but instead the locks of icy blonde hair fell across his forehead in a messy yet organised style that all boys seemed to pull of so easily.

The second being that he no longer wore glasses with thick black frames wherever he went. Perhaps he had changed to contacts.

Upon closer look, she noticed that within the differences, there were some things that never changed, like the small scar on his chin from when he fell from a tree at eight years old, and the mole to the top right of his forehead which contrasted with his pale white skin.

She looked at his chocolatey brown eyes. There was no difference in the appearance of them, but like everyone said, eyes are the windows to the soul, and Effie could definitely see a change in heart. Perhaps it was because he was no longer tied down with the strings of their relationship that was falling apart...

Or maybe it had something to do with the girl that he was holding hands with.

With her rich auburn hair, petite frame, beautiful electric blue eyes and makeup that accentuated her features perfectly... Effie couldn't help but be jealous.

Unlike the girl in front of her, she wasn't wearing any makeup- partially because if she did, it would look terrible, and partially because she had no one to impress, so why bother? Effie knew though, that deep down she did care. A lot.

Her eyes were doe shaped and her face was delicate, in a heart shape. Her body was slim with all the right curves in all the right places.

Effie couldn't help but feel self conscious about her body, however stupid that may have sounded to others considering she too was slim.

Averting her eyesight, she looked over to Oscar who was standing just next to her.

It felt like the four of them had been standing there for ages, none of them willing to break the looming silence, when in reality it was only a few seconds.

"How are you, Effie?" Effie snapped her eyes over to Nick and sent him a forced smile.

"I'm good. How are you?" Nick nodded his head and smiled.

"I'm great. Effie, this is my new girlfriend, Sophia. We've been together for a week now." He said gesturing to the woman next to him.

Effie smile meekly at her, shocked at how easy it was for him to move on like that.

"Hello, nice to meet you, Effie." Sophia said holding her hand out for Effie to shake. A large charming smile was spread across her face and Effie was unable to tell if it was real or not. She hoped that it was the former. "How do you guys know eachother?"

Christmas MarketWhere stories live. Discover now