Chapter one

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Jessica's POV

"Just 5 more minutes Jessica you can do it"I thought
"And That would be all class don't forget to send me your assignment by email"when I heard those last words from the mouth of Mr Gilbert I wanted to run out of the class but I remembered I don't do running and I never will. As always I ended up being the last one out of the class but I didn't really care that much this is Friday after all , I will just, do the usual bing watch a random Netflex series (I am not getting sued or copy righted lol) "I wonder if Nicki already went she did finish early today... mehhhhhhh I don't really care"I whispered to myself "I have the house to myself"i look like a crazy person just singing like a dumbass in the middle of the hallway , I think I should probably walk faster I'm like the only one here and Netflex doesn't wait.

Third POV

"Why do I have to work when when doesn't life is so unfair" grumbled Nicki, Unlike Jessica Friday evening Nicki work she hated it but hey she Choose to work on Friday for extra cash well she didn't really choose to work on Fridays but was forced by Jessica for extra cash " I guess now it's time to go" at those last words Nicki locked the doors and left it was winter time ,so it was dark but Nicki wasn't scared she always kept paper spray and a small taser in her bag red just in case "hello Nicki, looks like your right on time you will have coworker" said Sam , Sam was actually the best boss Nicki ever had she would let her employees have so much liberty but you didn't want to get her mad or she won't hesitate to put you back in your place and even fire you if she really had to but luckily that never happened "Hi my name is Becky I'm 23 I hope we will get along" Becky slightly put her hand to hand shake " Nice to meet you I'm Nicki I'm 20 , I'm the one who's gonna show you around" Nicki hand shakes Becky hand back. After a long day at work her shifts finally ends "bye Becky see you on Wednesday" said Nicki smiling "ya see you Wednesday"said Becky shaking her hand good bye.

"Huh , can I help you Sir... what are you...

"Back so early?" Jessica questioned "Ya today was a actually a pretty good d-" Nicki could even finish her sentence the news started talking "braking news a 23 years girl was murdered   10 minutes away from a law school called Mints Perles University her name was Becky Robert next to her lifeless body was rightened "tic tac times ticking won't belong before my next victim" the police are suspecting it was written with the victim's blood but this is all the information the police were able to find ,thank for watching"
Nicki was shaking not because of what happens but of sudden and fast one moment she's showing Becky the break room then the other she's...dead.

Unknown POV

"And now ,there only 15...this is going to be fun" after those words ,the stranger...walked away

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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