Bad Feeling

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Morgan Martinez


When I saw the girl come out of Taco Bell, and go near her car I lost it. I hopped off the hood of my car and blacked out. When I came to my senses I found myself straddling the girl while punching her in her face repeatedly, I knew she couldn't fight. I got up off her and ended it with a kick to the face and side. That'll teach her to stop getting smart with people.

August Alsina


I went home to tell Nicki to get ready for the club then I remembered, she's pregnant *face palm* I can be so stupid at times so I just got ready myself. I got in the shower, and put on my clothes. I grabbed my things, got in my car, and drove off to the club. I still have a bad feeling about going.



Me and my hittas A, Trey, and Chris, finna go to the club at 9. WE FINNA GET TURNT UP!! I can't wait to find me a bad female or two for tonight. I went in the bathroom to take a quick shower, I gotta be fresh if I'm gone find any bad females. I did what I had to do, got out and got dressed. When I was finished I looked at the clock and it read 8:45 so I text my homies and told them I'm bout to go to the club. I got my Keys to my black Lamborghini, and was off.

When I got to the club the boys were already there. I guess I was fashionably late, hey a dude gotta look his best for the ladies. I went up to them and dapped all of them, and as soon as we walked in, this girl walked up to August and as soon as she walked past me, all I smelled was booty and liquor, plus her weave look like a dead animal sitting on top of her head. She could hardly walk in them heels she had on, tripping every 2 seconds. Plus she looked like a blue whale. I quickly walked to a different direction so I wouldn't have to smell this hideous beast, yeah I called her a beast it's true, over there looking like Rasputia.

August Alsina


Yo my homies just left me here with the wanna be Precious look alike. Normally I wouldn't be bangin on a big chick like this because they're beautiful too, but she was far from beautiful. I'm gone get them back. I politely smiled at her, and she freaked.

Fake Rasputia: "Omg it's August Alsina!!" She said nearly blowing my ears off good thing the music was to loud for other people to hear her.

Me: "In the flesh. What's your name beautiful?" I said lying threw my teeth.

FR(Fake Rasputia): "Omg he called me beautiful! It's Panda." She said, making me almost bust out laughing.

Me: "How did your mom come up with that name?" I asked.

FR: "My mom said, when I was born I was cute and cuddly so she named me Panda." She said. She really can't be serious. I couldn't help it I burst out laughing.

Me: "I'm sorry, your gonna have to excuse me real quick." I said apologetically.

I walked away and found Chris sitting in the VIP section with Trey, and they both had bad females with them.

Me: "Yo where Quan at?" I asked still laughing a little.

Chris: "He over there." He said pointing to Quan and this girl dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

I walked over there, and pulled him to the side.

Me: "I have a bad feeling, like something's going to happen tonight." I said in a worried tone.

Quan: "aww you worried bout your girl." He said in a mocking tone.

Me: "Naw, it's just that I have a really bad feeling." I said serious.

Quan: "Look bruh, just go to the bar and have a couple drinks, let loose, have fun, just don't cheat. Ight?" He said warning me.

Me: "Bruh, you think I'm gone just cheat on her the first day I got her back." I said chuckling a little bit. He really sounded crazy just then. Ain't no way I'm gone just brake her heart again especially since she pregnant, I don't want nothing to happen to our baby.

I walked to the bar section and drunk till my worries went away, and in a couple minuets I was too turnt. I started dancing with every fine girl I saw in there, then I went to go sit in the VIP section when Panda come out of no where and sat on my lap, I swear I felt my leg snap in half. I quickly pushed her off me, and she accidentally hit her head on the floor and got knocked out. Hey it's not my fault, she shouldn't of had sat her big Rasputia self on my lap in the first place. I quickly got up and got my boys and we left I wasn't trying to let the paparazzi see me push her, and I sure didn't want Panda to press any charges.

Trey: "Yo, what happened?" He asked, while we were standing outside bout to go our separate ways.

Me: "A gorilla sat on my lap, so I pushed it off me, and it hit it's head." I said. He looked confused but didn't say anything, I was glad I was to drunk to answer any more questions. I dapped them and walked to my car stumbling along the way. Man those drinks got me messed up. I got in my car and drove off.

Onika Maraj


I was sitting at home watching anime on on demand while eating ice-cream and pickles, when suddenly my phone started ringing.

(Phone Canvo)

Me: "Hello." I answered.

Lady: "Is this Miss Maraj?" The lady said.

Me: "Yes this is. May I ask who is calling?"I said.

Lady: "This is Cooper hospital. We are sorry to inform you that August Alsina is in the hospital. He was in a bad car accident." She said in a sad tone. I dropped my phone out my hand, and quickly grabbed my shoes and keys, and speed walked to my car, and rushed to the hospital.

(Phone Convo over)

When I got to the hospital I burst threw the door, ran up to the desk, and asked for August's room number.

Lady: "Sorry mam, but he's under surgery right now. You can wait in the waiting room if you'd like."She said politely. I walked in the waiting room, and waited for the doctor. I got very nervous looking towards the door at times, sobbing like it was no tomorrow I was a nervous wreck.

6 hours later, a doctor came out.

Doctor: "Family of August Alsina."The doctor said making a couple of heads turn. I walked up to the doctor and he looked at me sympathetically.

Doctor: "We are sorry to inform you that..."


A/N: CLIFFY!! Tell me how you liked this chapter, vote, comment, and follow. Also don't forget to SPREAD THE PEACE MINDLESS CRAZIES!! GOD BLESS!! What do you think is wrong with August?

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