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Pidge slept like a rock.

Until 5pm came along.

When Pidge doesn't have a project to work on she is usually a sleep lover. So why has she woken up at 5pm and can't go back to sleep?

'Stupid high pressure! What else can it be?' Pidge complained grumpily to herself and sat up rubbing her eyes

"Well I guess I'm not doing anything today besides making breakfast.. I guess this isn't so bad." She whispered to herself but groaned nonetheless.

Until it turned 7 pidge was making her brain work by sketching a few rover 2.0 ideas. She had a bunch that looked exactly like the old rover but somehow looked unique from the rest, she had a few other shapes and some sketches even had a digital face panel so rover the 2nd could show his programmed emotion of any situation she would install.

And of course her soon-to-be good boy would have a green theme going on.

Pidge then noticed the time and quietly made her way down the stairs and tiptoed around the kitchen.

From the fridge she brought out the tray of eggs and milk and placed them besides the modified stove. She then pulled out multiple slices of bread and placed them on a plate she had gotten out beforehand and had already started heating up two cans worth of beans. She felt impressed at how swiftly she had done all of this, it genially shocked her. Considering she didn't usually do this.

She stirred the eggs and milk together until it was all one substance and colour. Before she proceeded any further she thought it'd be wise to put out plates first so she didn't have to leave anything alone.


She was over thinking about this, wasn't she?

Almost done with the eggs and the toast was about to pop out of the toaster; pidge began to hum like she normally did when she was alone and doing something techie. But something started to groan and curse under their breath not to far from pidge and it made the girl turn round and yelp.

Oh thank the stars, it was just matt.

"Wake up sleeping beauty~!" Pidge chirped, now recovered from her frightened state and twirled back round to her 'project'.

Matt complained and looked around for a moment, he couldn't see pidge as the sofa had its back to the kitchen but then something else caught his attention: the aspirin. Matt weakly smiled in appreciation to whoever took pity on him and quickly sat up and took the aspirin with the nearby water.

Matt rubbed his eyes and groaned once more until something filled his nostrils. "Mmm something smells good!" He said and licked his lips at the smell of eggs and finally turned round to see pidge in the kitchen.

His jaw immediately dropped.

Pidge walked over to the dining room table and placed the plates of food down one by one and eventually put down the condiments. She then looked up to be met with a jaw-dropped matt and his speechless face. She raised an eyebrow in confusion but didn't bother to ask him what it was for.

"Come on it's gonna get cold!" She snapped gently and sat down herself. She quickly dug into hers and purred with satisfaction of the taste.

She was so stuck into hers she didn't notice her older brother approach her as if she was a stranger in his house, eventually he sat down quietly and stared at the food in front of him in disbelief and then looked up at pidge with the same expression.

"You made this?"

She nods without looking up from her food.

"By yourself?"

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