Chapter 1

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 I had lived in the dark world my whole life, yet I'd never noticed the old, dusty button at the bottom of a long list of elevator floors. I could barely read it, but curiosity got the best of me, and I pushed it. I traveled down for a while, my imagination going crazy with the thought of a place I've never seen before. I was a very sex driven person, darkener I guess, but i'd never really had a committed partner. Just a few flings with guards to pass the time. Maybe there was someone down here who would be right for me. That's ridiculous, I thought, surely I would have heard of this place by now if there was actually anyone down here.

Eventually, the elevator finally stopped, I jumped off and was faced with a long descending staircase. Why wouldn't they just make the elevator go all the way down? Oh well, Maybe there's a reason. Dim blue torches guided the way into the darkness. I put my fears aside and started down. After a while of walking I realized I could hear shuffling and the faint jingle of some sort of metal, maybe bells. What kind of monster was down here? I realized suddenly how unprepared I was, I had no way to defend myself, hell I couldn't even see where I was going. Yet I still kept hiking down the steps.

I could barely see anything except for tall metal rails barring the end of the staircase. I heard a loud clang from behind the bars. Whatever it was had to be chained up. Chained up and behind bars? It must be really dangerous, whatever it was. I figured I was too far in by now and I might as well try to find out what it was.

Suddenly a cracky voice rang out through the hallway, "Oh what's this? A visitor?" It chuckled. Its voice was high pitched and grating, it sounded like it had planned out its dialogue ahead of time, locked down here it probably had lots of time on its hands. Did it even have hands?

"H-hi?" I didn't mean to stutter, but now it sounded like I was afraid. I scoffed out loud.

"What's there to laugh about hmm?" It giggled again with its high pitched laugh, "Would you like to play a game?"

Before I could even answer its question it continued, "Say, why don't you unlock my cell and play with me for a while, then I'll repay you however you want?"

Goddamn, that sounded good to me. My mind was racing with everything I could do to it. Maybe it was a cute demon. "Sure. As long as we're both true to our word." I replied.

"But of course." It answered, "Hmm what's your name, strange visitor?"

"Jack," I replied, "and you?"

"Most people call me Jevil." It laughed again. I started to wonder what was so funny. "If you want to play with me, ask the old shopkeeper, he knows a secret."

And so I was on a quest to free this monster who someone had clearly worked so hard to keep locked up.

~My Prisoner~ (Jevil Smut)Where stories live. Discover now