-Coming Out-

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      I swallow back the bile and the nervousness that I feel right now. I can't believe that it's time to tell people who I am in reality. That I won't be marrying Ron Weasley of all people because...because I'm a lesbian. Ron wasn't happy when I told him a few days after the war that I'm not interested in him that way. Yet he doesn't know that I am what I am. They don't know my sexuality and it hurts me to not have been able to tell them right away...or anyone for that matter. I bounce on the balls of my feet and stare into the mirror at home. I will be ready to tell Ron, Harry, and Ginny about this and let the rest of them find out on their own. They're going to be here in about twenty minutes and I feel more anxious than I did an hour ago. I straighten my silky teal blouse that I have to have a camisole on underneath. I take one last look before exiting my bathroom and walking down the hall and sitting in the living room in front of the fireplace that my friends will be flooing from. I get lost in my own thoughts for a moment until Harry floos in first, stepping through and wiping the soot from his clothes before wrapping his arms around my waist in a huge hug.

"Hey Hermione." Harry smiles down at my short frame.

"Hey!" I reply happily, beaming back at him.

Ginny then floos from the fireplace, grinning at me. "Hey 'Mines."

I roll my eyes at the silly nickname. "Hey Gin." I respond.

"So...what was this whole invitation to your house about?" Ginny asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I...think we should wait until Ron gets-" I'm cut off from the floo.

"Hullo!" Ron greets, stepping through the floo and wiping the muck off of his pants.

"Well?" Ginny asks with a victorious smirk.

"I think you should sit down for this." I mumble, fumbling with my blouse.

Harry, Ginny, and Ron all look at each other with confused looks before moving to sit on the couch. "What is this about?" Ron asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to talk to you guys about something....something that I've been hiding from everyone since the battle." I start, looking down at the floor.

"I think I know where this is going." Ginny murmurs, nodding her head slightly.

"I trust you guys with my life so I don't know why I've been hiding this for so long I-" Ginny cuts me off.

"Spit it out 'Mines." Ginny tells me with raised eyebrows.

"I'm lesbian." I spit out after a moments pause.

"What?" Harry asks, his eyebrows shooting up into his hairline.

"I like girls." I reply, smiling slightly.

Ron's eyes light up in recognition. "That's why you didn't return my feelings." He mutters.

"Yeah..." I trail off.

"Why wouldn't you tell us sooner? We wouldn't have judged you." Ginny tells me with a little frown ghosting her beautiful features.

"I was scared of rejection." I lower my eyes in embarrassment.

"Oh 'Mines, we would have never judged you. Never." Ginny tells me, standing up and wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging me tight.

"Oh Gin!" I crumble, wrapping myself around her taller frame, holding her to me.

"Yeah Hermione, everything is fine. We're not going to judge you." Harry tells me, getting up to join in on the hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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