Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The stomping came closer and I tensed up, the fur on my back raising. I could also feel Midna on top of me tensing. She slipped down from my back and whipped her head around her pony tailed hair slapping against her back. She readjusted her helmet and took a deep breath in, Midna turned around to face me. " Do you see any other exits? " Midna's voiced echoed in the stair well, she was running out of ideas.

I was about to shake my head when something caught my eye, I barked and pointed my noise to a small window. " Good job lets go " She jumped back onto my back and kicked me in the sides. I heard the guards now speaking. I couldn't understand the language but the tone in their voices sounded that they weren't too happy. I climbed back up to the arch oak door separating Zelda's room from the tower. Trotting to window I could fully see the guards. Blackened armour, spiked clubs, what you would imagine an evil guard would look like. " Okay go " Midna whispered.

I jumped out the window and landed what looked like a pathway connecting the two turrets, only that half the pathway was destroyed. All the brick was probably gray, but with the Twilight the brick was coloured yellow. Midna let herself slip to the ground and she levitated in front of me. " You that my people are in you're world now right? " she asked fiddling with the stone thing that held her pony tail. I guess she saw the shock in my face and her expression softened.

" They've been turned into shadow beasts. You've seen one before " she said tipping her head downward.

I have seen one. They were something out of nightmares. Psycho people's nightmares. Something conjured up deep in their subconscious. But I had to admit, shadow beasts were kinda cool, you know, in a twisted sort of way. I knew I had to go back now. I didn't know how I would get back, didn't know why, but I needed too. Midna also knew that, thanks to the wise words of Princess Zelda. I didn't know exactly how I would transform back into normal me. The 5 foot- Italian- fearless girl. Only thing was that I wasn't fearless. I used to be, nothing could bother me. The scary, twisted imaginations of horror movie directors, I would laugh at the thought of monsters.

Since I've entered this alternate world, I would now laugh at myself, thinking that I was fearless. I knew monsters were real now, not fairy tales. Princesses locked in towers? Well hell! I just met one, and now I needed to be wise like her.

Midna yawned again and brushed a black particle off of her shoulder. " You should go. I mean, I'll come with you, but I'll just be hiding in your shadow. If I touch the light I'll die " she explained.
I cringed at the thought of her dead. She was super annoying and bossy, but her being my only hope, I had to bring her along.

" We can always come back here " she sighed. I nodded my head and waited for Midna to conjure up some type of weird dark magic to take me home.


I'm baaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkk I hope you liked this chapter even though its short. I have awesome plans for this and I'm glad that I have logged back onto this account. Vote, Comment, even follow me if you want! Ur support counts, every single bit of it. Peace out until next time

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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