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So there's a new guy in class. His name is Jaeden. As soon as he walked in every girl started fan girling... except me. I was just sitting silently, writing things that came to mind.

Suddenly the guy sat beside me. I just kept writing.
"You know that you made a bad decision moving here, right?" I asked him still looking down at my paper.

"What do you mean by 'bad decision'? He asked turning to me.

"There's a volcano near by that could erupt any second." I said putting my pen down.

"At least I'll die." Jaeden said looking down and smiling to himself.

"You depressed too?" I asked shocked but didn't show it.

"Yea... life sucks. All of my friends are back in LA. And I'm stuck in this little island that has a volcano which is about to erupt."

"You an actor?"

"Yes-" "Y/N, Jaeden, please be quiet." The teacher enterupted.

Soon the lesson ended.

I was walking to my next class. And I heard the principal talking true the speakers.
"Y/N L/N, Jaeden Martell come to the principals office now" I sighed.

When I went to the office I knocked on the door and slowly opened it to see the principal and Jaeden sitting down.

"Hello, Y/N. Take a seat." The principal said pointing to a seat next to Jaeden. I nodded.

"Y/N, you will have to show Jaeden around school and after you both can go home."

I nodded. I felt very exited and relieved that I can go home. But firstly... I have to show Jaeden around the school.

"Okay. Thank you. Have a nice day." I said and left with Jaeden.

I was showing him around and we were almost finished but saw... Kristen. The rich, popular, bitch.

"Hey, Y/N. What are you doing with the new hot boy?" Kristen asked with her annoying voice. I rolled my eyes.

"She's showing me around the school." Jaeden said clearly ignoring the thing that Kristen said.

"Well do you want me to show you around the school and then maybe my bedroom? Rather than this thot." Kristen asked walking towards Jaeden and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Jaeden quickly pushed her back.
"No, thank you." He walked past Kristen "Y/N let's go."

I followed him out of the school.
"What was that?" I asked.

"I hate girls like that."

"Like what?"

"The girls that try to get the 'hot', famous guys in their pants." He said anger in his voice.


"It's fine... so she bullies you?"

"Yes," I said looking down at my vans.          "she bullies me every day... from first grade"

"Oh. I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude but, what does she say?"

"She calls me: fat, ugly, a disgusting slut, a whore, a thot. Basically everything you can think of."

"Well. It's going to get better. I promise. I had the same experience." He said giving me a smile.
"So where do you live?" I asked turning to him.
"Um... Maple street.(I just thought of a random word and added street to it)"

"Really? Me to! Which house?" I asked excitement in my voice.

"45. You?" Jaeden said his voice also filled with excitement.
(That basically means you live next to each other. I don't know how houses are counted in other countries.)

Disaster || Jaeden Lieberher x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora