CHAPTER 1 the start of everything

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Its started of when I was a young boy. When these powerful men I don't know what they looked like  they came and killed my parents like it if was nothing. They took me to a place where the dragon god and the lion god was.  its was scary on the dragon  side all of the walls  was covered with fire and his teeth was bigger than sharks and and sabertooth lions.the dragon god said only worthy humans receive this gift you will be a god you will be strongest of gods even stronger than me. Then he touched me on my forehead and said receive a gift of 1billion dragon gods. Then they took me to the lion god
Side the lion side was scary like the dragon the has teeth with blood all over it. And you would say it was sauce but the blood was real. The lion said worthy boy come forward and receive the gift of 1billion lion gods. After they killed my parents. After a long  6 weeks I woke of from my sleep when my whole crowd of family was surrounding me as I opened my eye they said Daniel Daniel he is alive everyone shouted

CHAPTER 2 testing my powers

As I woke up I felt like my body was on fire and my head was paining me I felt strong I felt faster. A few days later I was going  back to school as I went threw the door way everyone was staring at me a weird way as the school bully came at me and said so your back and I said yeah say what I gonna beat you up he said i said i was not feeling in the mood to fight right now as he was going to punched I moved as I was faster than 1 million speeding cars and dogged it easy and he said what the hell I never even see you move he punched me again this time I did a back flip over our teacher and the bully punched the teacher. He went to the principles office he was banned from school for 6 weeks. So when I came home I realized my hand was in  lion spirit form and it was on fire but not burning so I thought in my mind so its true it was not a dream I was really gifted. So I decided to test my power so I went to a old big building where my dad used to work and that's where I started to test my powers so I tried and tried to l get my hand on fire but it did not got on fire I tried one last time then bomb my hand was covered with lions and fire and I lunched my hand and punched the wall and half of the building broke in peaces . Next I tested my speed I could go faster than a speeding bullet. Next I tested my jump and defense well you done already know I could jump really high. d
For defense I took a drink machine and throwed it and run in front of it and blocked it, it broke into tiny particles in the air. Now for the real test if I throw fire or something at whosoever so I aimed at a side and shot and spirits of  lions roaring. It ended up blowing up the hole building and making a huge whole in the ground. Somebody from a close by house heard the explosion and called the police near by and the police went at the building I destroyed into bits so I put on my mask on quickly as the police arrived they thought a gang was here but it was only me so they began to shoot and I caught every last bullet and I ran as fast as possible. So I decided to create smoke out of my hand so the police will not see me but i had night vision and ran away as fast as possible. I went home and decided i will take revenge on my parents death by fighting crime and help cops

CHAPTER 3 my first mission😥

Coming out soon..........😥😥😣

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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