christmas tag!

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i was tagged by lovely  skywalkxrs to do the christmas tag!!

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i was tagged by lovely skywalkxrs to do the christmas tag!!

favourite cold weather drink?
tea 100% i drink sm tea lmaoo,, i love it! it's like a lil warm hug for ur stomach

white or christmas coloured christmas lights?
i prefer red, white or green lights

favourite winter sport?
staying in the house & sleeping lmao

number of blankets you can sleep with?
the maximum i can sleep with is two and even then that's sometimes too much

preferred holiday treat?
gingerbread men!! they're so cute & are amazing with hot chocolate

preferred snowy activity?
watching the snow fall onto the ground ( from inside my house bcs i hate the cold lmaoo )

last thing you baked?
i can't bake to save my life but i attempted to make shortbread with my gran

favourite holiday movie?
definitely the grinch

open presents on christmas day or eve?
christmas day !! my mum used to always tell me its bad luck to open them before christmas so i hate opening presents before christmas day

favourite holiday song?
either last christmas or santa baby

favourite christmas smell?
cinnamon! my grandparents always use the same cinnamon candles at christmas so it reminds me of them

have you ever built a gingerbread house?
yes, i usually build one every year and every year they always fail lmao

favourite holiday drink?
does hot chocolate count as a christmas drink?? lmao idk

have you ever made a snowman?
yeah but it was horrible oof

candy canes or gingerbread?
gingerbread 100% lmao candy canes hurt my teef :/

can you wrap gifts well?
nope, i usually either get my mum to wrap them or use gift bags

do you have any specific holiday traditions?
my family always watches the grinch on christmas eve & on christmas day no-one is allowed to go into the living room and open presents till everyone is up lmao

whoever wants to do it!!

merry christmas & happy holidays to everyone <33

merry christmas & happy holidays to everyone <33

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