0.2 ikea nightmare ♡

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Our apartment was coming together quite nicely, in my opinion. Awsten and I had just made quite a big move from Houston to Los Angeles, after all. He'd been dragging his feet about heading out to California for over a year now, even though he was spending so much money flying out for work. It just made sense for us to finally say goodbye to our sweet little Houston apartment and upgrade to our (very modern) new LA apartment.

I was forever grateful for a lot of things about Awsten's personality, a big one being his love of flowers. It was a tradition of ours, I supposed, that I would bring him flowers when I had to pick him up at the airport when he came home from tour. Three years of dating later and I was still bringing him flowers- sunflowers to be exact.

"They're obnoxious and bright, just like me," he had told me once. I liked to remind him that sunflowers were also tall, something he was not, which he still never laughed at. I thought I was hilarious.

I had bought some fresh flowers from a florist two blocks away and was innocently arranging them in the kitchen because - yay! - we have this adorable little breakfast bar with stools and the countertop was screaming for a pretty vase of flowers.

I was interrupted, however, by a very large crash and distinctively male yell, followed up by a long string of very colorful curse words. Awsten Knight had such a way with words in lyrics but he cursed like a twelve-year-old boy who just learned how to swear.

Leaving the vase on the counter, I climbed up the stairs to the loft to investigate the noise. Awsten was still swearing when I stopped in the doorway of our bedroom, hands on my hips. It looked like a tornado had blown through the room, honestly. We had this huge walk-in closet attached to our bedroom and Awsten's bougie ass decided it needed shelves and hooks and all this extra shit so, once we got approval from the landlord, he drove his happy ass to Ikea and bought honestly too many things.

"How's it going in here, honey?" I asked innocently.

I'd never seen Awsten look so irritated in all the time we'd known each other. "I fucking hate Ikea. These directions don't make any fucking sense and I'm definitely missing at least two necessary screws!" He punctuated his sentence by throwing the booklet of directions into the air in exasperation.

"I can give Ikea a call and see if we can hire one of the TaskRabbit guys to come out and assemble it," I offered. "I don't know why we didn't just do that in the first place. There's a lot of parts in here, Awsten."

"Are you kidding? We're not hiring a literal human to come over and put this shit together! That's a defeatist mentality and I am certainly not a defeatist." Awsten let out a sigh, running his fingers through his hair to collect himself. "But I am gonna take a break or else I will break all these boards and throw them off our balcony into the street."

"Yeah, please don't do that," I said and it made him laugh, which was a nice change from his original irritation.

I offered him my hand and helped him off the floor. His arms moved around me and I folded my hands behind his neck. "Can you believe this is ours?" Awsten asked me, grinning. "I never thought I'd get you to agree to come out here with me."

"Don't be so dramatic," I teased him. "I'd go anywhere in the world with you. I'd follow you off a cliff if you asked me to," I admitted honestly.

He kissed my nose. "Right. And I'm the dramatic one?"

"You absolutely fucking are," I laughed.

We both turned at the sound of a knock at the door. "Holy shit, you don't think Postmates is here all ready, do you?" Awsten asked me. "We ordered literally twenty minutes ago."

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