06 • learning

8 1 0

with each passing day,
a new curve ball is thrown my way

it's never easy,
but i'm learning,
i'm learning to take each day as it comes

deal with the cards, i've been dealt,
and learn how to play them,
to my advantage

it's a process,
but seeing things in a positive light,
is the thing i needed

life isn't ever fair,
and more often than not,
it's takes so much from us,
it tries to rip us apart

but i'm here,
and i'm standing tall,
ready to take on the fucking world,
and learn new lessons each days

struggling is inevitable,
and i know that but i'm just taking each day,
as it comes,
and doing my best

it's not easy,
and it never is,
and never will be,
but for once,
i have a genuine smile,

and if today is a horrible day,
at least i don't have to do it again,
and tomorrow may not be better,
but it's not today,
and I can move forward,
and learn to love and care for myself

life is shit,
life is beautiful,
life is an absolute asshole sometimes,
but seeing the beauty in the small things,
has brought me happiness

AN - The quote in the second last paragraph, "at least you don't have to do today again." Is from an unknown source I found once, I tried to change it up to make it sound more original and not literally just copy from someone else. Thought I'd throw that in here!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, I have been really inconsistent with posts, and I'm going to be honest, I'm probably going to be inconsistent more often than not, because I write as I get inspiration and sometimes, I just go blank lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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