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I wood up the next morning, in a cold empty bed. I sat up, pulling the sheets over my cold naked body. I looked around the room, not seeing Lorenzo anywhere. I picked up my phone, check the time, 11:23, also seeing I had an unread text message from Lorenzo.

I had to go out and run some errands. Be back soon, love you.

I wondered what could he be doing. It was Saturday, he's never busy on Saturdays. Maybe it was an emergency busy meeting, I thought. But if it was, I would have also been there. Pushing all of the negative thoughts aside, I dropped the sheets and ran to the bathroom, quickly turning on the shower.

Later on that day, I sat quietly in the living, patiently waiting on Lorenzo. I have tried texting him and calling him several times, but he never answered so I gave up. It was starting to get late, almost eleven at night, and thats when Lorenzo busted through the door. He stumbled a little bit, and collapsed next to me. "Are you drunk?" 

"Just a little bit..." He slurred. 

Once I looked at him, his shirt and tie was undone, and he reeked of perfume. I became pissed, at the thought of him with another woman. I knew it wasn't the time to settle it, because he wasn't really in the right state of mind. I walked away, trying to conceal my anger. "Where are you going?" He yelled behind me.

I continued to ignore him, and ran to the guestroom, locking the door behind me. I pulled my knees to my chest, and cried my self to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, on the cold floor in an uncomfortable position. I sat up and stretched my back out, unlocking the door and walking to the living room. Lorenzo was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "What happened last night?" 

"I don't know, you tell me." I said leaning against the wall, crossing my arms. "Lorraine, I'm sorry."

"Why did you lie to me?" 


"I don't want to hear your fucking apologies, I want to know why did you lie to me, Lorenzo?"

He stayed silent and continued, to look down. "You have nothing to say?"

"What did you guys do?"

"We went out to lunch, and then we had a few drinks."

"That's it?"

"Yes, Lorraine. That's it."

"Are you sure?"

"What makes you think we did something else?"

"Well, you came home smelling like perfume, and your shirt was only half way on." I waited patiently for him to say something, but he never said anything. "I remember going to her house, but I don't remember anything after that," he sighed deeply.


"Oh my fucking god." I mumbled to myself. Counting in your head does not work for me. I walked away, going Chresanto's and I bedroom. He didn't follow me, which was good so he wouldn't be able to hold me back. I pulled out a black suitcase, placing all of my regular clothes in it. He can keep that designer shit.

I slipped on my Adidas, grabbing my phone and car keys. I picked up my suitcase, and quickly ran down the steps. "Where are you going?" Lorenzo panicked, standing from the couch.

"Away from you." I said trying to walk past him.

"No, baby I'm sorry. Please don't leave me."

"Lorenzo, move! I fucking hate you." I said pushing past him, walking to the front door. "Here, you can have this back." I said throwing the engagement ring at him.

Hmmm, its been a while...

Lorraine said yes, and to celebrate, they made a baby.

But she doesn't know that... yet.

Excuse al- you know what, fuck it. I'm tired of saying that. I just don't edit the shit.

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