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y/n: Whatever just don't do anything stupid and please don't make any noises as it will affect us and last but not least can you guys go in the the movie room cause it will be less noisy

Jk: Why should I wouldn't your partber be please to see your handsome brother

y/n: Ugh just go in before I *Door bell rings* GET THE HELL IN *Whisper* Coming *Walking towards the door*

*Opens the door*

???: Hey sorry I was abit late as I was stuck in the traffic

y/n: No it's fine come on in *walks behind him* by the way what we gonna do for our projects *Sits down*

??: We will be doing some dance moves since it's a dance test and I have found some dance cheorography we could use and just have to change it a little what do you think about that

y/n: Sure why not the plans sounds good let's get started by changing the dance cheorography *smile*

BTS pov

We opened the door a little and managed to see who that guy is Wait what that that guy is KANG DANIEL what the hell is he doing here and.. We accidentally fall above each other which make a LOUD THUD SOUND

Daniel: Uhm what's that sound

y/n: It's nothing it's just my house you know will have some random noise haha it's creepy right *Nervous laugh*

Daniel: That's sounds creepy oh uhm so shall we get started

y/n: Yeah of course just give a second I will be right back soon haha *wink*

BTS pov

We saw y/n walking over towards our direction and so we knew that she was probably MAD !! We slowly backed away from the door just in case she slam the door wide open and you know we wouldn't want to get our face disfigured

Y/n pov

You guys are gonna get it from me aish can't you just be quiet for awhile I mean for a few hours like why do they have to make so much noise *Inside screaming*

*Door slam*

Jhope: Chill we can explain

y/n: There is nothing to be explained can't you just just be quiet for awhile I know that you guys are protective over me but please just for awhile :) don't make any noise please oppa

Jungkook: Can't he just leave it's annoying to see him in our house

y/n: Wait you guys know him ? He's my classmate how would yo-u

I was being cut off by Jimin..

Jimin: Even tho he's your classmate you know Jungkook would just check every profile of people in your class because he's protective you know

y/n: WHAT wait how did oppa get the principal permission to give him their profile and details he's a strict old man like how woul-d

This time I'm cut off by Yoongi

Yoongi: This is why I said Jungkook your sister doesn't have common sense like bruh didn't she knew that my uncle brother is the principal 🤦‍♂️

Bts burst out laughing and while me is blushing real hard 😳

y/n: Ok ok whatever I'm going out now remember don't make any noise *Run out blushing*

Namjoon: This is your sister Jungkook *Windsheild laugh*

y/n pov

Aish I'm feeling so red right now.. ok relax y/n take a deep breath in and out ok you will be fine just act normal

y/n: I'm back Daniel sorry for taking so long to be back

Daniel: No it's fine it's just that you're so red are you ok *Moving forward*

Oh no he's moving too close ahhh I'm blushing real hard and then just before he wanted to place his hand on my forehead

??: Erhmm *Fake cough* are you guys enjoying it

y/n: *Push Daniel* We are doing nothing oppa

Daniel: Oppa !?! Jungkook sunbaenim Bts sunbaenim ? What are you guys doing here ?

Jungkook: I'm the one who is suppose to ask what are you doing at my house ?

y/n: You should leave first Daniel we will talk about the project the other time :)

Daniel: Ok I should take my leave first then see ya tomorrow
y/n :)

*After Daniel left*

Jungkook: So you're really enjoying it uh

y/n: Hello oppa me and Daniel are just chingus nothing much then that ok just chill don't start your over protective stuff infront of my friends please I'm embarassed ok did you see how awkward it was for Daniel earlier on

Jungkook: So what if I'm being over protective I'm doing all this for you why can't you understand me WHY !?!

y/n: Don't scream at me you're being childish *Walk to your room furiously*

Jungkook: UGH FUCK !?! Did you guys see that with this attitude of hers how can she work in the society it will cost alot of problem

Taehyung: Jungkook maybe one day she would understand it's just that she's don't really get's it now

Jungkook: Hyung I might need to wait for a million years for that

Jin: You see Jungkook maybe now they will just be friends but who knows one day they could be cou-

Jungkook: Don't even think about that hyung I won't allow them to be together, you guys should know why I don't like them to be together cause --

BTS(except Jk) : Daniel dad is a Mafia

Jungkook: Exactly !?! So it's better for them to be apart right

Jimin: Well thats true but that doesn't mean Daniel will be one too it's just that to be or not to be one and that final choice goes to Daniel cause we can't do anything about

Jungkook: Yes we can do something !! By not letting them meeting each other it would be good

Namjoon: They are partner for the dance they can't change their partner at the last minute

Jin: Yoongi can do something about it right

Yoongi: Well I can try but I don't know if it will work because you know my uncle doesn't change the last minute and of course the final decision will still be the teacher in charge

Jungkook: We need to make the teacher change her mind because it will cause a big impact of my sister life in the future

Bts: Let's do it

Y/n pov

I can't believe my oppa will do this and he's really being unreasonable like really I'm so upset with him and I can imagine how Daniel must be feeling like and just now that scene was so awkward and I should apologize to Daniel tomorrow .. *sigh*

Heyo guys another chapters up after so long as I'm busy working and been really tired all the time so I hope yall will enjoy this chapter until next chapter see ya 💜 Love yall lovelies you guys are my motivation to carry on writing do remember to support my BTS ff as well Thank you ❤

ANNOYING JUNGKOOK OPPA !!!  Y/n x Jungkook Reader (Not Continued)Where stories live. Discover now