Truth or Dare?

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When the writing is in italics it means that someone is writing.

Hope you all enjoy~!


Today was Friday and classes had just finished, Nagisa was walking to the train station with Karma and Sugino had come along as well.

The three boys reached the train station and swiped their train cards to get in. Sugino sat down next to Karma and Nagisa stood next to them. "What are your plans for this weekend?" He asked the two boys sitting down. Sugino answered first, "I don't have much planned at all, maybe do some homework or something..."

"I don't have anything planned either-" Karma answered. "-Maybe try to beat my high score on the new fighting game I got."


"What if we plan something for the class?" Nagisa asked excitedly. "We could invite everyone to my place and we could do something together!" Sugino bumped his right arm into the air, "Yeah! That sounds like fun!"

Karma agreed, "Yeah it does, but what should we do? Like truth or dare or something?" Nagisa and Sugino both then nod at incredible speeds, "That sounds like a good idea!"

Not long after that, the train arrived and as the three go on they were still talking about the truth or dare game. "When should we plan it, Saturday or Sunday?"

"I think Sunday is better, more time to get people to come."

"Okay, Sunday it is!"

Nagisa got out his notebook and started to write the information down. Game of truth or dare with class on Sunday. At my house. "Not everyone will be able to make it though." Nagisa sighed.

"We'll just have to make do with who can come, a lot should still be able to." Sugino smiled.

Nagisa looked back at his notebook, "What time should it start and finish?" Karma put one hand up to his chin, giving him a 'thinking' gesture. "How about start at 9:00 am and finish at 2:00 pm?" He asked.

Nagisa nodded, "So five hours?" From 9:00am till 2:00pm. Nagisa got his phone out, "I'm going to create a group chat with the class to give them the details and ask if they can make it.

From: Nagisa Shiota

Hey guys, Sugino, Karma and I have planned for everyone to come over to my place on Sunday for a game of truth or dare and lunch. It starts at 9:00 am and finishes at 2:00 pm. If you guys are interested and can make it leave a message, so I can get the amount of food correct.

Thanks, Guys! :D

Nagisa sent the message to everyone in the class and Sugino and Karma's phones buzzed in front of him and they opened it but didn't reply. "We don't need to answer since we are the people who came up with it, right?" Sugino asked.

Karma interrupted him, "Ohhh, look, some people have already answered!"

Nagisa looked at his phone. 'That was quick.'

Kaede Kayano: I can make it! Looking forward to it. :3

Yuuma Isogai: I'm coming, but I might be a bit late.

Rio Nakamura: Not gonna miss my chance for blackmail and juicy gossip, I'm definitely coming.

Nagisa sighed.

Nagisa Shiota: Isogai, that's fine and Nakamura, we didn't plan this for that!

Rio Nakamura: :P

Truth or Dare?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon