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Time for a test
The night sky was full of stars but no moon, as Sinead looked up into it she felt all of her worries exit her body. Her father used to bring her to this same spot as a child, it brought so many memories back for her and after how she'd felt the past few days it was just what she needed. She lay on her back and just watched the stars, some sparkled more than others, some barely sparkled at all but they were still there speaking down to Sinead, she knew something in her life was about too change, she knew everything about her felt different, she knew what she had to do but for a few minutes she just wanted to feel like a child again and lie and watch the stars sparkle in the sky.

Sinead lay there for two hours but to her it felt like a few seconds, she grabbed her phone, seven missed calls from her mum quickly reminded her how long she had been gone, she jumped up and began to walk home, all of her thoughts infecting her mind, but she felt a lot better after enjoying some time with the stars. As she walked through the door home Sinead could here her mum talking to her friend- Harriet, about how much she'd love for Sinead and Harriet's son- Callum to hit it off, Sinead was so embarrassed and the fact she found Callum completely ignorant and opposite to her made her feel like her mum had never listened to anything about her taste in boys.

"I can hear you two" Sinead sniggered while walking into the gossip den usually known as her living room, her mum looked up from her glass of wine "Oh hi honey, didn't know you were home" she laughed as her and Harriet both went red, "No offence Harriet, but me and Callum aren't going to be hitting it off anytime soon, anyways I don't know how many times I have to mention to my mum that I have been dating someone for a while" Sinead said cockily while walking out the room.

Now was time for Sinead to accept reality, yes she had been dating someone, Tom, he was four years older than her, a bit of a bad boy, he worked in the garage along the road from her and she'd been crazy about him for years, she thought all her dreams had come true when he asked her on a date two months ago, but now her period was two weeks late the dream was becoming more of a nightmare. Sinead had bought a test a few days ago and been putting off taking it but today needed to be the day, she needed to know, so she rummaged through her makeup bag where she's hidden it, pulled it out and took her self to the bathroom.

Two minutes could change her entire life, two small lines could change the way her future was going to be, two people could be three.

Sinead sat on the edge of the bath hands over her face, how did that two hours she spent staring at the stars feel like seconds but this two minutes felt like days? Her phone began to vibrate it was the timer, now was what she had been waiting for, time to look at the test, she'd reread the instructions a hundred times while waiting, two lines means pregnant, one line means a false alarm, Sinead took one deep breath closed her eyes and picked up the test. She couldn't seem to open her eyes, the test was there in her hand, but it wasn't just a test too Sinead this was her entire life, after a few seconds- which again felt like days she opened her eyes and there is was staring at her, two bold red lines, there was no way denying it, two bold lines clear as day. Sinead froze what she going to do?

Time to talk
Wrapped up in bed, test hidden at the bottom of her bin, Sinead was still in shock, she'd been trying to get to sleep for the last four hours, nothing was working, millions of questions spinning round her mind. What would Tom say? How would she afford a baby? What would her mum say? Could she still keep working and going to college? Was she ready to be a mum? Her mind was in complete overdrive, nothing was calming her down, she rolled over, stuck her head in her pillow and began to cry.
Sleep that night was managed, not much but at least Sinead got a few hours away from reality, but as her alarm rang she knew it was time to start talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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