☤║An Epidemic

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News flash!

"A virus breakout has been detected in Asia!"

"Know as Obtorpesco, This virus can cause chest pains, severe coughing, fever,fatigue and weight loss."

"Rarer and more severe cases report necrosis in some parts of the body."

"Victims usually suffer a long awaiting de-"

The grey flashes and fades into black, a click sound could be heard as the machine shut down. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and frustration.

"Shouto!" I whine at my husband. His eye catch mine, as his hand puts down the remote. I pout as he smirks and sits down on the couch next to me.

"I was watching that!" I lightly slap his shoulder with fondness, the corners of my mouth curl upwards at his antics.

"Shouldn't you get your mind of work?" He laughs, putting his hand on mine.

"That is true, but it's my job to treat these viruses." I explained as I grabbed his hand and placed it back on his lap. I sat up from the couch, the couch slowly springs back to its original shape as I left it.

"But-" He whines, but my words cut his.

"But it's my holiday, I know, I know." I wave my hand around the air, dismissing his sentence. My feet felt cold walking on the wooden floors of the living room as I went for my computer.


My scan over the computer screen and my fingers type away.

'Sign-ups for Obtorpesco virus research.'

'Volunteer work, help quarantine the virus!'

'Rural eastern China.'

I skimmed through the words on the email, my eyes straining from my mind's investment.

-Symptom 01-

At first it was nothing, I just had a mild cough. If I knew sooner, then it would have helped me in my situation. But the dice of fate has been played.

We just arrived from the airport, I tiredly walked down the hall of our apartment and sat on the couch. Shouto sets my luggage next to the door.

"How was your trip to eastern China?" He ask as he flops his body next to mine.

"It was okay, considering I was crammed in the lab most of the time." I sigh, relaxing my nerves. Tiredness consumed my body, and little coughs rippled through out the particles in the air.

"Don't tell me you're sick!" Shouto laughs resting his head on my shoulder. Silence and few coughs followed.

"You should get that checked if it continues."


Symptom after symptom, I made my decision too late. And now the dice is being used by a god who gambled every night.

Times I spent on the pathogen, studying and making theories. I did this till I realized I caught this slow moving death. Times I realized the contagion I carried could kill within contact of someone.

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