The worst way to kill someone

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((AN: this story might be a bit too graphic for some. If you feel sick to your stomach I'd advise you not to read this one.))

Humans have a fascination with death. For example, drive down the highway during rush hour and you'll see what I mean. You know how you're always complaining about drivers that stop to look at an accident on the other side of the road?

You ever wonder why that it is?
Well, if it's just a fender bender, no one stays put for long, they just take their glance and move right on ahead. However, do you recall that really bad accident you drove by, the one that looked like people may have been seriously hurt, or worse? Of course you remember it. You vividly recall scanning the wreckage for bodies, body parts, anything to confirm your suspicions that someone may have lost their life.

Now, that's not a sign that you're a serial killer or anything. It's fine to have that healthy curiosity, to wonder what life is like when there is no life left to live.

It's even okay to imagine yourself being the one in that wreckage, or to play out a scenario in your mind where you swerve into oncoming traffic and kill yourself and a family of 4. "**The call of the void**", as it's described.

It's even acceptable to kill someone.

We have the obvious reasons; self-defense, war, and legal execution. We hear about these killings quite often, and for some, you hear about it every day. It all depends on where you live, what type of laws your country has, whether your nation is at war, etc.
If it weren't for our deep obsession with death, we'd almost ought to be desensitized. Yet, something about it keeps us coming back for more.

For instance, you watched a Facebook Live video of a girl dying in a car accident. It's awful, watching a young woman the same age as your daughter having her head split open in the carnage of an automobile accident.
You've never seen that much blood outside of movies. Honestly, you didn't even know you have that much blood in your body. Unease settles in, causing you to withdraw into yourself and avoid the outside world for fear that you might be the next victim to the chaos of the universe. Despite that, your curiosity grows. Seemingly from one moment to the next, you find yourself on LiveLeak. Cartel executions, Isis beheadings, catastrophic industrial failures in a country in Asia that doesn't even bother making sure they implement building codes. You've gone down a rabbit hole, and sure you feel weird about it, but...

it's captivating.

Until you've had enough, and you close out your browser, head on over to
r/eyebleach, and reset your moral compass.

Except, there's people like me.

It's not enough.

Before we go any further,
I've killed people.

Most of them deserved it, but not all, I'll admit. It's a world where the fittest survive, and never underestimate what a man will do to make sure he has a roof over his head and food in his stomach.
I understand the judgment you might bestow upon me after I conclude this little tale, but you're a lot closer to being me than you realize.

For my Batman fans out there, "All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."

Enough small talk. Let's get to why we're here, why *you* are here.
I've used numerous methods to kill. Most of them humane, I'll be quite honest. I kill people, sure, and for reasons that I don't expect anyone to understand. The thing is, I don't enjoy inflicting pain on others. I'm not a sadist, I don't enjoy the screams and the cries for help. Rather, I try my absolute best to make it as quick as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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