Chapter 13: A Day at the Beach

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One year, and one birthday, later...​

​"Ohhhh Thanatos this is so exciting, Rose's first trip to the beach!"

​Morrigan squealed while grinning in delight as Thanatos held their now two-year-old baby girl in his arms. He chuckled as they walked down to the beach. The Omen of War was excited, and so was the Omen of Fate, in her own emotionless sort of way. Morrigan was just anticipating all the adorable wonderful antics her little baby would get into while exploring the beach. She couldn't wait to show her little Rosey the wonders of the sand and ocean. Thanatos was excited, but with his excitement, there was also a hint of fear. Rose was babbling mostly in baby talk while giggling and blowing raspberries before grinning up at her mommy who gladly returned her grin with an eager squeal of glee and anticipation.

Thanatos chuckled and said. ​"I'm surprised by how much you're squealing Morrie."

​"Our little baby gives me plenty to squeal about you old Qrow, so hush, and your one to talk I've seen the way your lips curl into an inward squeal of joy and pride whenever Rose crawls into your arms and hugs you."

Thanatos blushed and coughed before saying with a sly smirk. ​"Yes but at least I don't squeal out loud like a baby pig!"

War growled inside of her head and made Morrigan say. ​"Ohhh you just have to have the last word don't you!"

Thanatos leaned over and smirked right in her face while saying smugly.
​"Yes I do War. Just like how you can't contain your squeals, you little piggy!"

War made Morrigan open her mouth in shock while Fate spoke inside of her head towards War in her emotionless tone.

​'He is right you know War...'


Thanatos smirked over the internal battle that he knew his wife was having and stated, "And yes I know you're the one whose squealing War. I never would have thought the big battle crazy Omen of War was such a softy over a baby."

​"Ohhh why you horrible old goat!"

Morrigan fumed then grabbed a piece of his hair pulled him down gently and kissed him smirking at his now stunned reaction while Rose giggled at the silly faced smile her daddy made. Morrigan pulled away from her husband, took her baby in her arms, and smirked as she walked.

​"Now come on you old Qrow the beach awaits."

The beach was not as crowded today as the other days which was a good thing. Morrigan smiled while giggling in glee as her baby rolled over and giggled on the blanket before crawling over to her daddy who was lounging on his back shirtless with his eyes closed. Rose whined loudly as she placed her little hands upon his face.

​"Okay, okay I'd know that wail anywhere you want to play don't you?"

Rose giggled when he reached for her Crowsby and pretended to make it fly and smother her in kisses.


Morrigan smiled only to laugh when Thanatos spoke.

​"Morrie are we just going to keep her on the blanket all day or are we going to introduce her to the friendly sand?"

Morrigan grinned and giggled. "No, go on ahead dear; introduce her to the friendly sand."

​Thanatos picked his little girl up off the blanket, placed her upon the sand, and sat down beside her. The moment Rose sat in the sand her eyes widened and she giggled happily. She disregarded Crowsby to be covered by the sand only to grab handfuls of sand in her fists and throw them up into the air creating sand snow. Morrigan smiled, and then stated hastily when the Omen of Fate saw what Rose was going to do next with the sand through a small vision.

Book 1: The Gladiator of Mercy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें