I have to get to the bottom of this...

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Hey fans! sorry it took me a while:/ I think this chapter kind of clear things up if you were confused. Almost the whole chapter is in Louis POV I thought we needed to hear more from his side;D Well  MASSIVE thank you to my awesome fans reading! Love y'all bunches!!!! Let me know what you think pleaseeeeee!!!!! I love hearing your feeback! so dont forget! Toodle pip lovelys

xoxox Shannon

Louis POV******

"Is Niall your boyfriend?".. Well why else would she have a picture of him in her back pocket? So many questions raced through my mind like, How did she know Niall? Is he the one who made her so upset? I could tell there was something on her mind she wasnt telling me.. 'Geez slow down Louis. Don't get all nancy drew on this girl!', I told myself. I just could'nt help it, I wanted to know why she was so sad.

She just looked down for a little bit. I was begining to regret asking that question.

Leah finally looked up at me with thoes beautiful, ocean blue orbs that were full of pain...

"No, he's just a.. friend.. How do you know Niall anyway?" She gave me the impression that she was on my case..

"I met Niall at the auditions for X factor."

I wasn't going to tell her we were put in the same band. Then she wouldn't tell me about them. "Do you two talk anymore?" She questioned. "No, not really."

I  didn't want to lie to her. I really liked her. I can't explain it but I really wanted to know what went down with these two!

There was a moment of silence.

"Why? Did something happen between you two?" I said grabbing her hand across the table to show her I cared, Which I do

She just admired our interlocked fingers and smiled. "No, It's not important"

Leah's POV*******

Wow.. Louis is really sweet, and he apeared to really care how i'm feeling. Plus, he's hot! 'Gosh leah do we not remember what happened last time we fell for a guy too soon!' the voice in m head told me.

Anyway, What a small world.. he knew Niall. Not too well it seemed..Good. I don't have to worry about him making his way back into my life...

Louis POV***

'No It's not important'

If It wasn't so important, why did I find her on the street like a lost puppy, crying at a picture of him? I need to get to the bottom of this...

After a little coffee and small talk, we exchanged numbers and I told her I'd call her soon.


Still Louis POV*****

It was the next morning after me and Leah's meeting. I was at rehersals for X factor. This was me and my four other band mates 2nd rehersal and we've been getting along real swimmingly.

I was looking around for NIall on our break. We just practiced our first song. I thought me and Niall should have a little chat.

Although I'm really starting to like Leah, she must have had strong feelings for Niall the way she was crying. In the end I really want whats best for her.

I found Niall sitting on a sofa in his dressing room with is face barried deep into his hands. Yep... smething bigs going on here alright.....

"What's wrong mate?!"  I don't think he heard me walk in. He looked up suprised to see me. He cleared his throat. "Erm.. Nothing, It's not important.." he said in the exact tone as Leah last night. He was going to be a hard egg to crack....

"C'mon I know somethings wrong" I softly said putting my arm around his shoulders..

He stood up clenching his fists in frustration "Don't worry about it Louis! okay?!" He began to storm out of the dressing room.

"I know about Leah!!" I shouted without thinking.

Niall just stopped dead in his tracks...


So how was it? Not bad?;) I hope this clarifyed a little bit.. Not too exsiting but A LOT of drama is coimg up I promise!:) So with that said... COMENT COMENT!!! Love you guys thanks for the suport xoxox

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