The Beginning

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If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred Minus one day so I never have to live without you. - Unknown

Rose (Pov)

I lay awake in my bed at 5:30 am on December 12 no one else is awake yet not even Mrs.Lana. Sorry let me introduce my self my name is Rose Mia Lancaster I am 16 years old my mother put me in adoption center when i was 5 because i remind her of my dad. My dad was killed the day of my 5th bday because of a drunk driver my dad was heading home from picking up my birthday cake from Walmart ever since that day i vowed never to drink "grown up drinks " when i was of age even now so when i go to parties and they have some "grown up drinks" i only drink water and i never leave my cup not even when i go to the bathroom i either finish it or i take it to the bathroom with me. I have never told a single person the truth about my dads death if they ask why i just tell them that he died of natural causes tbh its not any of their business to know what caused his death. In the whole adoption center I only have 2 best-friends Kayla and Maya they are twins and the only way to tell them apart is by their attitude Kayla is super sassy she isn't afraid to say whats on her mind if she don't like you she will straight up tell that she don't like you as to where Maya is super calm and nice she is also very shy till you get to know her then she never shuts up. In my whole 12 years of being here I've only had 1 boyfriend his name is Ryan Miller he is 18 so he is getting out today since he is 18 and the adoption center has provided him with a house.

It is now 7:00 am everyone is now awake and heading to the lounge room for breakfast and some people are still up in their room getting ready for school I don't know what takes them so long like just throw on a shirt and jeans and shoes and some light makeup then boom your done.

(Rose outfit above )

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(Rose outfit above )

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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