Chapter One

268 18 7

December 3rd, 2012

"Lauren! Lauren stop! MUUUM LAUREN'S TOUCHING ME AGAIN!!!"

"Lauren stop touching your little brother, he obviously doesn't like it."

I started to laugh at my younger siblings. They can't go 5 minutes without annoying each other in some way. About half an hour ago Lauren got mad at Harry for breathing too loud.

My family everybody.

"How about you two just settle down and take a nap or something?" Mum suggested. Both Harry and Lauren grumbled as she put her headphones in and as he pulled out his Nintendo DS and started to play Super Mario Bros. After about 15 minutes they were both asleep, and I could hear One Direction blasting through Lauren's headphones.

"Finally," Mum whispered as she let out a quiet laugh. "Yeah." I said with a small smile, looking out my window.

"What did they say when you told them?" She asked, suddenly serious. I turned to meet her worried eyes. It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about, but then I knew. "Oh um, well, they were definetely surprised, at first. But they hugged me and said they accepted me and that they were so thankful that I was friends with them." I said smiling. Mum let out a long sigh of relief. "That's good. That's really good. I was pretty certain Calum would be ok with it, but I was worried about what Michael would say."

I recently came out as gay to my two best friends, Calum and Michael. Calum and I have been friends since he was in kindergarden and I was in 1st, since our mothers were roommates and sorority sisters in college. Michael came along in middle school. His parents had just gotten divorced so he had to switch schools and let me tell you, he wasn't happy about it. He picked on me all throughout 7th grade. I kept it pretty hidden that he hurt my feelings, but one day he walked in on me crying in the bathroom. We had talked right there on that bathroom floor and he regretted every single thing he had said or done to me. So then 8th grade and up, the 3 of us were best mates.

Mum has trouble completely trusting Michael. He's like another son to her, but he tends to lie a lot, and obviously his and my past keeps her on edge a little. But she cares for him as if he was her own.

She grabbed my hand and smiled. "I'm so proud of you, Ashy."

"I love you Mum."

"Love you too baby."

"Mum?" I heard Harry sleepily ask from the backseat. "I have to pee." Mum turned around to look at my little brother. "There isn't a gas station for miles. I'm sorry sweetie but you might have to ho-"

"MUM WATCH OUT!!" I screamed but it was too late. While she was looking back, the car had drifted into the left lane and right into an oncoming semi truck. Mum didn't have time to get out of the lane. The semi slammed right into the front of the car, sending us flying off the side of the road. We broke through the safety railing on the side and started rolling. I screamed as I was jerked around.

When we finally stopped, I gasped for air, then blacked out.


I woke up a few minutes later to complete silence. We were still in the wrecked car at the bottom of a steep hill. I looked out through the cracked window to see if there was anyone around who could help, but I all saw were trees.

I looked into the rearview mirror and screamed. My amazing, hilarious, and energetic little brother Harry had a large piece of glass (from his window) shoved into the middle of his chest, blood pooling from the corners. His eyes were wide open with his last moments of terror still frozen in his features, and blood dripped from his broken jaw.

I looked my at beautiful, talented, and adventurous little sister Lauren. She had a broken neck, I could tell by the way her head hung on her shoulders. She had bruises everywhere, and pieces of glass from her own window littered her arms. Yet, she still had that peaceful face of slumber, since she was still asleep when we crashed - and when she died. The sight of her face, so calm as she sat there and under the circumstances, made me want to vomit.

And my mother. My wonderful, kind, and caring mother was hunched over the steeing wheel. At first I thought she was okay, but then I knew she was gone when I saw the blood red windsheild wiper sticking out from the back of her neck.

My entire family is dead. I violently sobbed at the realization. My family is dead. My entire family is dead.

Adreniline kicked in as I searched my pockets for my phone. I finally found it and quickly dialed 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"


"Please stay calm, my name is Crystal ok? I'm going to help you through this. What is your name sweetie?"

"A-ashton Irw-win." I sobbed.

"What is your location Ashton?"

"I-I don't know. I'm at the bottom of a hill. I think Interstate 23? We're at the part where the side railing came off the road. Please hurry. I'm so scared..." I said quietly. I've moved past being upset. I'm shocked and terrified. Shocked, because my family is dead. My family is dead. Gone, deceased, passed, no longer with us, no longer breathing. They aren't alive anymore. And they never will be. Ever again.

Scared, because of the future. What's going to happen to me? I am 18, so that means I'm old enough to get my own apartment. But I have no money. Did Mum leave me any? How am I supposed to go college? Cal, Mikey, and I were all going to apply for the same college. And what's going to happen to Mum, Lauren, and Harry? If I don't have enough money for an apartment or even Uni, how am I supposed to pay for three funerals?

I'm knocked out of my train of thought when I hear ambulance and police sirens. "I see the accident! Quickly! There's a survivor in there!" Somebody shouted. I quickly unbuckled myself and opened the damaged door. I stepped out of the car, expecting to feel pain, but I felt none.

"Thank God you guys are here. I had no idea what to do. I ju-" I froze mid-sentence when the officer I was talking to ran right through my body, sending a chill downing my spine and through my limbs. Soon, another came, also running straight through me.

How is this possible...

I turned around and watched as about 10 firefighters pulled open the door to the car, some yelling out and jumping back, probably from the ghastly scene that was inside.

"Alright, we have two males and two females." A firefighter said. He paused, then sighed. "All deceased." My face paled as I felt my knees buckle. What was he talking about? I'm not dead! I'm standing right here!

"Sir! Sir, I'm right here! SIR!" I yelled. I walked closer to the car, and I saw it.

My own dead body.

My eyes were open, with a small piece of glass sticking right out of my left eye. By looking at my neck I knew it was broken. But nothing was more disturbing than seeing that my mother and I were still holding hands.

I stumbled backwards and started to sob. This has to be a dream. This can't be real. If I'm dead, how am I still here? Then I realized, nobody can see or hear me. I can't ask for help. I can't talk to anyone. They wouldn't know I was there.

I'm a ghost.

I'm invisible.


Hi guys so thank you for reading chapter one I hope you like the story :D but I need to warn you: updates are going to be ridiculously slow bc I have an unwanted subscription to Procrastination And Writer's Block Weekly so please bear with me 


Invisible (Lashton AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن