She is a fighter pt 2

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Mads POV:
Me and Lili were gonna go out I waited around for her and waited more "mabey I could call her" no I shouldn't. "I can wait more" then I got a call from Cole..... Cole was crying and he never cries this is what he said "mads I have a problem" "what's wrong Cole"
He Lost it he started balling
"Lili uhh lili uhh"
"Cole what's wrong"
"Lili tried to kill herself"
"Same but I got to go mads see you later"
"Bye be there soon"
*they hang up*
My gorgeous best friend tried to kill herself im going to find out who did this:(

Coles POV:
My girlfriend my beautiful bean almost died I'm gonna find out what made her this way I called everyone and I just couldn't handle it I love her and I won't stop. Everyone is here and Casey and mads are balling the doctors call her name and say "anyone for Lili Reinhart"
"Us" everyone said
"Ok 2 at a time"
The doctor left
"Casey and Mads you should go in there first"
" Why us" they both say
"Because I can't see her like this it makes me sad"
"Awww I'm sorry Cole"
"I can go last" I say

Casey's POV:
"Hey lilis I miss you"
"CASE I MISSED YOU" she says excited
"Omg omg omg omg Lils"
"Hey mads I missed you too"
"Oh hey Lili"
"What's wrong" she asked
"Lils we didn't wanna lose you"
We all hug then we left and told Cole to go in there...NOW

Coles POV:
I go in there she quickly smiled when she saw me
"Lils what happened"
"Uhhh well...
"Lili you can tell me anything ok"
Well Bree said that I was a slut and that I should leave you"
"Lilis I'm sorry but Im gotta kill her"
"Why she's telling the truth"
I was in shock she really thought she was right.
"Lili she is wrong WAY wrong your amazing ok and I love you"
"I love you too can we leave now"
"Of coarse"
"Wait Cole"
"Yeah lil"
"Never mind"

Sorry it's bad this is my first story so thank you😁

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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