Friends With Benifits

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Locating the frozen waffles in your freezer, you pull two out and pop them in the toaster. You slip your bathrobe on, since there wasn't much use for it yesterday. You smile as you remember how you felt. How he made you feel. Frying two eggs and setting the waffles on the table, you walk back into your room. He's just gotten dressed, as you can tell by his shirt not being fully buttoned up. "Breakfast is ready!" You say cheerily. He thanks you with an eager smile and you walk out to the kitchen.

He seems to be starving, as he eats the food very quickly. "So, do you have any plans for the remainder your banishment?" You ask.

"I didn't, but I think I do now. I couldn't help but notice you had a TV in your bedroom." He replies. A smile crosses your face as you sneak off.

"Stay here. Come in when I call." I say. You sneak off to the bedroom and envision your plan. Following it, you stretch a blanket over the television and your bed frame, creating a tent-like structure big enough for two people. You fill it with pillows and find a couple of L.E.D. candles. Perfect. "Come to the bedroom, Loki!" You call.

Seconds later, he appears. "Climb in!" You say.

"This is perfect." He says, pressing is forehead to yours. Then he kisses you. His soft lips meet yours and he starts sucking your tongue. You bite his bottom lip. As you pull apart, you realize that this kiss is passionate, unlike the hungry kisses you'd experienced the night before. While you enjoyed both, the passionate kiss leaves you wanting more of him. You brush off the feeling and turn on the TV.

You both slip under the covers and entwine your legs. Your head is resting on his chest. His right arm wraps around you and his left is holding your hand. You feel something strange. You feel at home. As you continue to watch the movie, you notice Loki has a sinister smile on his face. His hand finds its way to your breast and he squeezes it. You laugh and press closer to him.

"I wish we could do it again. All of it." You think to myself. He seems to have read your mind because the second you make eye contact, he presses his forehead to yours. Biting your lip, you pull in to kiss him. These are what you recognize as the hungry, evil kisses. You know exactly what he wants. You make your way to his outstretched feet and straddle his thighs. Lifting up a little, one hand slides into his pants. You can feel his bulge pulsing through his underwear.

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